Chapter Fourteen

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CH. 14

"So.." Ginny looked at me expectantly from the chair across from me.

"So..." I look into the fire nervously. "What do you want to know?" Everyone else were still at dinner.

"Tell me about your family..." She squeaks, her eyes wide. "Your parents, siblings?"

"I...practically raised myself, with a sort of Nanny.." I make a face, trying to move around lying. "And I grew up alone."

"Wow..I grew up with six older brothers.." She sighs. "You know the twins and Ron, of course...then theres-"

"Bill." I state. "And, Charlie, is it?"

"Yea." She nods slowly, confused. "And Percy.." She pauses. "How do you know Bill and Charlie?"

"I've met Bill once or twice, with Remus..." I state. "I've only just heard of Charlie." She nods. "He works with dragons, doesn't he?"

"Yea..." She nods, smiling slightly. "Who else do you know?"

I sigh, looking away. "Basically everyone." I shrug.

"So..." She makes a face, then looks off as if thinking. "I don't know how to ask this..."

I laugh lightly, and answer simply, "Padfoot." With a nod, she instantly sighed with relief.

"Yea.." She laughs. She looked me over carefully for a minute, before shaking her head ever slightly and looking away. "I think I've seen you before...I don't know look so familiar."

I just shrug, wracking my brain for a good story. "Perhaps at Diagon Alley? I met the twins maybe..."

"Oh, right." She sits back, shrugging. "Of course."

We both turn as chatter fills the room, seeing the twins enter. They give us a quick smile before going straight up to the boys dormitories. I blink, watching after them. Normally they would say something, hug me, or at least slightly acknowledge the fact that they knew me.

Ginny didn't seem to think much of it, and went back to looking at me. I turned back to her, forcing something of a smile.

Others started coming in a few at a time. As Hermione entered, she came straight to us. "Rose, do you want some help with any homework?"

"No thanks, I've already finished." I smile, satisfied. "Ginny and I did it together before dinner."

"Oh.." She seems taken aback, "Should I check it for you?"

I sigh, pulling out my parchment. "Be my guest." She takes my assignment, skimming through it, a sour look on her face. "Everything all right, Hermione?"

She looks at me with a straight face handing it back. "It all seems correct." She states.

"I assumed it would be." I answer, trying to coat my voice with sugar, though feeling a strong urge to roll my eyes.

She forces a smile, then walks away to, I assume, find Ron and Harry. I turn to see Ginny fighting back a laugh. "She doesn't like to be outsmarted, does she?"

Ginny shakes her head. "No, not at all."

"Well...wonderful." I shrug.

The next few days were brutal, apparently. I had no trouble with any of my classes. Except perhaps divination, but who cares, honestly?

Divination was my only class without Hermione though, and I was thankful for a time to be clear of her constant attempts to help. For a change, I was the one helping. Harry and Ron were positively hopeless.

Sirina Rose PotterWhere stories live. Discover now