Chapter Six

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CH. 6

I sit at the table, nervously fiddling my fingers, rather than eating the meal Molly set in front of me. I was busy thinking about Remus, Tonks, and the others out risking their lives to guard Harry. Everyone was talking in hushed voices, occasionally I would hear my name or Harry's. But I didn't pay much attention. For once, I didn't want to know what everyone was doing.

"Sirina, everything all right?" Sirius asks, causing everyone to stop talking and to look at me.

"Everything's okay." I nod. "No pains or feelings."

"I meant are you okay?" He replies with a slight smile. "Is Sirina all right?"

"Oh..Uh, yea I'm fine.." I nod, faking a smile.

"They're going to be okay." He assures me.

I nod, standing with my barely eaten off of plate. "Molly, would you like some help?" I carry my plate into the kitchen area. "Cooking, cleaning, anything?" I sigh, desperate to clear my mind.

"Oh you don't need to.." She shakes her head, taking my dish.

"Please," I laugh. "I want to.."

"You really don't--" She stops as she looks at me, probably seeing something in my eyes. "Oh alright, want to stir those potatoes for me?" She motions to the pot on the stove. I nod, and begin moving them around.

I hear the kitchen door open, but don't look. Knowing I will be disappointed if Remus and Tonks don't walk through it. I focus on the potatoes. And by lack of noise and people talking to me, I know it's not them, and as expected, find myself disappointed. After a few minutes of stirring, I find myself thinking again, about all of the possible things that could go wrong on their trip. I sit through these meetings, and know how many people are out to get Harry. And the thought of Remus and Tonks, and really anyone else, risking themselves to save him gives me an upset stomach.

Not knowing what's going on gives me an upset stomach. Just one small Everything's okay, We're on the right track. Would be wonderful. But we won't know anything until they come back. At least they won't. Without realizing it, I find myself desperately aching for some type of feeling or sensation to course through my scar, a sense of security to take over me, fear, anything that would connect me to Harry and the others. I shut my eyes tightly, trying to somehow connect with Harry. Come on Harry, I think to myself, Give me something! Anything!

"Sirina?!" I feel someone shaking my shoulders. "Sirina!" I open my eyes wide, finding Sirius holding me.

"I'm sorry, what?" I blink , trying to refocus on what's in front of me. But my head was still spinning from trying to reach into my brothers brain.

Sirius looked terrified, staring at me with wide eyes. "Are you okay?"

"Of course I am.." I answer carefully.

He looks deep into my eyes, then slowly lets go of my arms. " were out of it...I was talking to you.."

"Oh, sorry...I'm okay now..." I promise, turning away and looking into the pot of potatoes.

"Sirina, I wanted to know...." Sirius's voice trailed off getting quieter, as another voice swarmed my head.

"Can you learn to become a metamorphmagus?" A boys voice asked inside my head. And then another voice answers, though I can't hear the words as clearly, I recognize it as Tonks.

Once again I'm being shaken, and I snap my eyes into focus on Sirius. "Sirina?!" He gasps, "What is going on?!"

"Nothing..." I shake my head, not wanting to scare him. No knowing what's going on myself. "I'm fine, just lost in thought, that's all..."

Sirina Rose PotterHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin