Chapter Eleven

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"So," A boy named Lee was sitting across from me in the Gryffindor common room. "Where did you say you were from?" He'd been eyeing me curiously since the twins introduced us. Our story was that we met at Diagon Alley before the start of term.

"I..uh...I didn't.." I answer off-handedly, shooting a glance towards George who was sitting beside him. "Does it matter, really?" He asks, catching my panic. "She's here now, so who cares."

"Oh, err, alright..." Lee makes a face, obviously thoroughly confused. "You're skipping straight to fifth year? How do you already know the other material?"

"Just drop it, alright?" Fred sits on the arm of the chair I was seated in. "She's a little genius, maybe better than Hermione."

"Hm?" A higher pitched voice asks, "Did someone call me?" We all turn to the bushy haired girl, sitting by the fire holding a Muggle book I'm fairly familiar with.

"No, no...but, now that we have your attention..." Fred smiles, waving her over. She stands with a huff, walking towards us. "If this is about your business transactions, I don't want to hear it." She states with a tone of authority. "Not at all." Fred smiles in response.

Hermione stares at him, her eyes glinting in disbelief. Obviously wanting to go back to reading her book. She crosses her arms, waiting for him to continue.

"Well, Granger, I just wanted to introduce you to Sir-Rose." He says, coughing a bit to cover his mistake.

"I'm sorry, what?" She makes a face.

"Rose," He repeats, tugging my arm to pull me into full view. "She's in your year."

"Oh," She gasps slightly, obviously surprised by there being a new student. "Hello, I'm Hermione Granger."

"Rose Evans." I say politely, shaking her outstretched hand,

"Pleasure." She says with a sweet smile.

"Likewise." I answer calmly.

"What have we done?" Fred and George ask in unison, looking between the two of us. "This," George starts, standing up beside us, "Looks like the beginning of a beautiful friendship."

I quickly turn, smirking at him. He winks in return.

"Well, Hermione," Fred starts again, "Would you like to introduce her to Harry and Ronny? Or shall we?"

"I'll do it." She says turning away from me, her smile turning into a death glare towards the twins. "She doesn't need bad influences as yourselves." She takes my hand, gently towing me away, her smile coming back. "Come on, Rose." I follow her cooperatively, weaving through my fellow gryffindor's in the common room.

"Oi, Hermione! There you are!" Ron exclaims as we come closer. "Been looking for you, we have." He nods once. "Oh...Who's this?"

Hermione happily pulls me forward. "She's new, and in our year."

"Ron Weasley." He states, still confused.

"Rose Evans." I answer politely. It was that moment, probably a reaction to the name Evans, that Harry looked up to join the conversation. I swallowed hard at the thought of lying to him, straight to his face, about who I am. He looks at me for a moment longer than the others had, but perhaps not as long as Professor Snape.

"Hi, I'm Harry." He says, shaking his head a few times, "You're..Rose Evans? Do you come from a muggle family?"

"Err.." I pause nervously, trying to force something to come out of my mouth.

Sirina Rose PotterWhere stories live. Discover now