Chapter Thirty-Seven

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"Sirina? Rina!" Sirius voice calls, "oh god, Rem... what do we do?"

"I... I don't know..." I hear his footsteps on the creaking floorboards, but can't will my eyes to open. "We can't bring her back... not like this. Not at all, really. Umbridge would know she's snuck out, and it would ruin everything."

"Remus, she's ill... and possibly hurt." Sirius' voice sounded angry, not any way I'd like to hear him.

"I know that!" Remus snaps back.

My eyes won't open- but I can feel my throat clearing out just a bit. I try to cough, but neither of them hear it.

"If only Molly was still here..." Remus says, now closer to me.

"Anyone." Sirius adds, he now sounds sad. "Did she say anything before about what might be wrong?"

Nothing comes from Remus, but I assume he shook his head, because after a pause Sirius sighed in defeat. I hear the floor creaking as they both stand up and away from my limp body.

Emiliani begin shooting frantically. As if trying to help. She knew she'd be needed today. That's why she came, she knew something was wrong.

Remus hushes her.

"So, what could be wrong with Sirina?" He sighs. "What was wrong? Symptoms, Sirius..."

"Err, she wasn't feeling well..."


"Okay, okay... eh, she had an upset stomach, throwing up, no appetite..." there was a lengthy pause, then Sirius continued as I began trying to move my toes and fingers. "Her eyes looked a little weird... bigger almost..."

"Her memory was a little off earlier too, and she's been acting off today...." pause, then a gasp. "Do you think she could have been hurt? By the willow?"


"Remember how many times you lot were hit in the head by her branches?" Remus continued. It hit me. What's wrong, I mean, not the willow. I had a concussion. It only made sense. From when I fell.

I fight until my eyes flutter open, but I still couldn't find strength to move properly.

Emiliani began hooting, and flapping her wings. Noticing I was awake.

"We can owl Harry, have him come take her back to the castle!" Sirius announces grandly.

In a moment plenty of thoughts whirred through my head. No. He would ask too many questions. He would blame Draco. I would never be left alone again.

"Ri?" Sirius dropped to his knees beside me, "did you say something?" He helped me sit up, "no?"

Did I say that? "Don't owl Harry..."

"Sirina... someone has to come get you." Remus sighs.

I shake my head. "Get me outside the willow..." I didn't want to tell the, what I was actually thinking. "I'll owl someone from there. Don't worry, they won't ask..."

"You're not owling Severus." Remus says sharply. There goes that idea.

"Please. I don't want Harry to worry." I plead, leaning against Sirius for support.

"No. Someone else." Sirius says, tightening his grip a little.

I close my eyes, and take a deep breath. "I'll owl Draco." Lee was also an option, but he would tell the twins- or they would find out before I had the chance to tell them myself.

Sirina Rose PotterWhere stories live. Discover now