Study Session

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Lucy's P.O.V

The summer finally ended and was replaced with autumn. School started, the girls and I moved into our dorms for the year, Sting and I have patched thing up somewhat, and Natsu and I are back to being best friends. Levy and I actually ended up being roommates and I couldn't be happier. Freshman year, the year of overwhelming studies and frat parties, sorority drama, and boy drama. It's like high school, only on steroids. And you can now legally get drunk.

"Lu-chan! We have to go meet up with the guys today, remember?" Levy shouted from our 'kitchen'. It was just a mini fridge and a microwave but we made it work. It's a good thing we both like ramen.

"Yeah I know! I'll be ready in like, 30 seconds!" I shouted, throwing my hair in a messy bun and slipping my boots on. We don't have class until 10-thank god-but since the boys need help with their studies and stuff for midterms we're all meeting up at Mira's café. She's letting us use the back room she usually reserves for parties to study cause there's about ten of us in total. That's a lot of books.

Levy and I headed out only to be met with Juvia and Erza. We were all meeting up with the guys so we decided to meet up in front of the dorms. Juvia and Erza's dorm just happens to be across from ours so we left the building together. We met up with the rest of the girls outside and headed towards Mira's café.


"What took you girls so long? It's already half past 8. Hurry up and let's study! I have to pass this midterm exam or mom's gonna kill me!" Natsu yelled, opening the door for us once we reached him.

"Why thank you, Sir Natsu. Your efforts are much appreciated," I said, rolling my eyes. Natsu just shook his head and walked in behind us. I assumed the rest of the guys were already inside, seeing as they weren't outside with Natsu.

And I assumed correctly.

"Yo Lucy! You're in Ms. Namara's pre-med course, right?" Gray shouted, making me jump in shock.

"Jesus Christ Gray! Don't shout at me like that! And to answer your question, yes I am. Need any help?" I said, holding my hand to my chest to mimic shock. Gray quickly nodded. I walked over to where he was sitting with Freed, Bickslow,and Loke. Loke is a total ladies man and he's been tryin to land a date with me since we started college. He's a year older-like many people here-than me and he's apart of one of the biggest frats on campus, Alpha Spirit. It's not one of the most normal frat names, but it still manages to be the top frat.

"Yeah. Thanks Lucy. I just can't seem to make sense of anything that deranged woman says," Gray said, scooting over so I could sit next to him. I smiled at Gray, making Loke pout.

"Why does my sweet, sweet, wittle Wucy have to sit next to Gray?" Loke muttered. Mind you, he was right across from me, so I kicked him in the shin. Loke screamed out in pain, making me smirk.

"Yo Loke, you good man?" Bickslow asked, showing minimal concern for his friend while Gray was stifling a laugh. Loke nodded and we went back to studying.


"Alright Gray. So in case of an emergency, what can you use to unblock an injured airway?" Gray and I were doing a bit of trivia to help him understand some of the concepts Ms. Namara taught us.

"A hollow object with an opening on both ends," Gray answered-rather quickly, I might add- and quickly rearranged his notecards so he could ask me a question. "Okay. Why is it mandatory to have latex free gloves on hand at all times?" This one was a freebie.

"Because doctors, nurses, and patients could have an allergy to latex," I stated shifting my body so I was facing Gray.

"I swear, I would've gone ape shit on you if you got that wrong," Gray said, closing his book.

"Well I've gotta go help Natsu with his math. I promised I'd help. You keep studying," I said, gathering my things to go sit next to Natsu. Only, Lisanna was there. It looked like he hadn't noticed, so I quickly moved over to Levy and the other girls.

"Lucy, I thought you were supposed to be studying with Natsu?" Erza said, only looking up from her book once.

"I was, but mini Mira beat me to it," I said, pointing my thumb in the general direction of the two. All the girls looked up and gave me a weird look.

"Lu-chan, you know that Lisanna likes Natsu, right? She has ever since they broke up," Levy said, putting her English Lit. book away and opening her European History book.

"Yeah, I know. It's just annoying that I get no time with him anymore, you know? It's like I have to keep him on a short leash if I want to spend time with him, whether we're studying or not," I said, opening my calculus book and taking out my notebook and a pencil. The others nodded in agreement and then went back to their studies. We occasionally asked each other a question or two, but it was usually silent in our group. Gray's group was making quite the ruckus, and Natsu and Lisanna, well, lets just say they rekindled their love for each other.

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