Birthday Party

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Gray's P.O.V same day

I awoke to sound of my ringtone Highway To Hell by ACDC. Gotta love the classics. But that's not the pint. It was the Pink headed pyro calling me. What does he want?

"What do you want Pinkie?" I groggily asked, still half asleep.

"Oh shut it Snow boy. It's Luce's birthday today and I want to spend it over at Mira's cafe with minna-san. So get them on the phone- or better yet call Mira. I'm gonna call her brother  and run a few errands with Lucy then we'll be on our way to the cafe." Today's Lucy's birthday? Well I guess we can celebrate it at Mira's.

"Yeah sure thing. When are do you think you'll get to the cafe?" I asked, a little more on the awake side.

"About noon-thirty. Oh and tell Mira to make a Lucy special. She'll know what it is." Okay, what the hell is a Lucy special? Whatever he said Mira'll know what to do.

"Kay. I'm on it. Later"

"Later" And with that, he hung up the phone, leaving me to call Mira and get ready. I got up and called Mira's cafe- knowing Mira its probably the only phone she has on at the moment. It rang a few times before someone answered.

"This is Lisanna Strauss, how can I help you?" Lisanna answered the phone .

"Hey, Lis, could you get Mira on the phone?" I asked, tapping my fingers lightly on the back of my phone.

"Yeah sure hold on Gray."


"Hey Gray what's up?" Mira asked nonchalantly.

"Hey um today's apparently Lucy's birthday and-"

"Ohmyglob! I totally spaced it was her birthday today!" Mira exclaimed, interrupting me.

"Yeah and uh Natsu said to ask for one Lucy special? Whatever that is."

"Oh no. I wonder what happened" Mira's voice suddenly turned somber. Why?

"Hey Mira? Can you call minna so we can get together over at your cafe?" I asked, ignoring her sudden change in tone.

"Yeah, when is Lucy gonna be here?"

"Around twelve thirty"

"Okay. that leaves us with about 2 hours of decoration and baking time. How soon can you get here?"

"About 10 minutes, why?"

"I'm gonna need your help"


Timeskip two hours, Lucy's P.O.V

I finished editing and posting my video by about 11:00, giving me about 45 minutes to an hour to get ready.

"Hey Natsu?" I asked, poking my head out of his room- I was using it for my video. He looked up from his magazine or manga or whatever he's reading. I doubt it's an actual book.

"Yeah Luce?"

"Do you guys have any clothes for me?" I hid behind the frame of the door a bit, embarrassed. a look of confusion crossed Natsu's face for only a second until it was replaced by one of realization.

"Yeah. VIRGO!"

"Yes, young master Natsu?" Virgo, one of my personal favorite maids of his, rushed in from the kitchen to the living room.

"Show Lucy her closet." Virgo nodded and motioned for me to follow her. We walked like, three steps to the room right next door to Natsu's room- where Virgo opened the white door and motioned for me to walk in. I was in awe at what I saw. It had a queen sized bed with a white comforter and yellow accents. There were two comfy looking white lounge chairs at the foot of the bed with gray throw pillows that had some sort of mandala-like design on them. The room had yellow walls in the same shade as the pillows on the bed. There was a white panel door next to the bed leading to the adjourning bathroom. Lined up side by side were three windows that opened outwards with yellow toned beige colored blinds covering them. I had a white nightstand on the left side of the bed with a gold lamp on top, along with an adorable little desk phone. The rug was a yellow and gray almost tiger eye pattern. Needless to say, I loved the room.

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