Secrets and Riots

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Lucy's P.O.V

"He cheated with Yukino," Rogue said, somberly moving towards the front of the crowd that had formed. I felt my heart drop into the pit of my stomach.

"O-oh" was all I could say. I could sense Rogue's apologetic aura from miles away.

"Is he here?" I heard Natsu ask quietly. Rogue just shook his head. I visibly relaxed. I was about to ask Rogue if he knew why Sting did it, but Mira grabbed my arm and dragged me to a booth labeled "Birthday Princess". Mira, Erza, and Levy sat on one side while Lisanna, Juvia, and I sat on the other side. A waiter came by to give me my 'Lucy Special', which is something Mira and her mom dedicated to me after my mom died. My mom always used to order a strawberry shortcake with extra strawberries and strawberry syrup for us to share when we came here for breakfast. Sometimes she'd even throw in a waffle with whipped cream and strawberries too. Incase you couldn't tell, strawberries were her favorite and after her death they became my comfort food. Mira deemed it the 'Lucy Special' after I ordered it for maybe the fifth time after my mom died.

"So Lucy, wanna talk?" Erza asked, crossing her arms.

"Do I have a choice?" I responded, already knowing the answer. Erza ad the rest of the girls shook their heads-as expected. I sighed deeply.

"What is there to talk about? I dated Sting for almost two years before this-I guess i didn't move fast enough for him," I said, eating my food.

"What's that supposed to mean Lu-chan? Did he want sex or something?" Levy asked; making me glad Wendy wasn't here.

"I guess so because when I first found out about the cheating I saw a message that read 'Can't wait to see you if you know what I mean' with a bunch of odd emojis. The contact was also named 'Bby Girl', and I know for certain I'm in Sting's phone as 'Blondie'. You know why I didn't have sex with him so theres no point in getting into that, but I didn't tell him-I told Rogue and that's it. Maybe that's what moved him to cheat," I said, frowning. Juvia turned to me with a confused look.

"If Lucy-san doesn't mind, may Juvia ask why you didn't have sex with Sting-san? It sounds like a touchy subject, so Juvia understands if Lucy-san doesn't wanna talk about it," Juvia asked. Juvia's so adorable and I love that she speaks in third person-although it does get annoying from time to time.

"It's fine Juvia. But it is kind of a somber event and I really don't want to ruin the mood," I said, sipping my water.

"Lucy, the mood's already ruined. Go on and tell her," Lisanna said, leaning back so i could see Juvia. I nodded and turned my body to face Juvia.

"So basically, back when I was about nine uncle was a huge drunk. His wife just passed and his solutions was to drink his sorrows away. He had been a borderline alcoholic my entire life so it really wasn't unusual. But at my aunt's funeral, he got drunk. While he was drunk, he raped me. I was nine at the time and now at age 18 i still haven't let anyone touch me more than I wanted them to," I explained, making everyone look down. We all sat in silence until Natsu came over.

"Why the glum faces? Come on it's Luce's birthday we should be having fun! Let's go do some party games!" Natsu practically shouted. He grabbed me by the hand and pulled me over to the rest of the party, almost making me fall in the process. Which Gray took notice of.

"Geez Fire Breath, don't be so rough with Lucy. She just almost fell thanks to you pulling her around like a damn ragdoll," Gray taunted, sipping a drink. Natsu immediately let go of my hand and turned to face Gray.

"Gray, your clothes," Cana noted, downing the last of her third beer she's had since I've been here. Cana is quite a bit older than me, she can already legally drink. And since she can legally drink, she's become FT's very own drunk.

"GAHH!" Gray scrambled for his clothes, making Natsu howl with laughter. In Gray's scramble for his clothes he bumped into Elfman, which made Elfman knock over Erza's strawberry cake.

"MY STRAWBERRY CAKE!!" She wailed, bending down to pick up her plate of cake but while Natsu was laughing his ass off, he moved backward and stepped on Erza's cake, not realizing it until he was thrown across a few tables and into Gajeel. Gajeel then started a fight with Natsu and they threw a few things, starting a riot at my own birthday party. I'm pretty sure at one point Gray tried fighting Natsu but he was bare ass naked so Natsu shouted "Not until you put some clothes on!" This is definitely how I remember spending my days. And I've missed it.

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