Welcome to Fairy Tail University(EDITED SLIGHTLY)

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This might be a late update...Sorry! Ive got a dentist appointment tommorow afternoon so we'll see how that goes... Anyways, I hope you enjoy this chapter!


Gray's P.O.V

"LU-CHAN" Levy screeched. Then she tackled Lucy. Again. Wait, if Levy's here then that means..

"H-hello, Gray-sama" I turned around.

"Oh, hey Juvia. Do you know her?" I pointed to Lucy.

"Juvia does not know who the blonde girl is. Would Gray-sama introduce us?" The bluenette suggested.

"S-sure" Why the hell did I stutter?

"Hey Lucy, there's someone who wants to meet you" I half-yelled, considering we were in the school cafe.

"Oh yeah come on over Juvia. Lu-chan doesn't bite" Levy motioned for Juvia to walk over to where they were. She shyly walked over, and I walked behind her.

"H-hello" Juvia greeted.

"Hi! Your names Juvia, right? I heard Levy-chan call you over here. I'm Lucy. Nice to meet you!" Lucy held her hand out for Juvia to take. She's really....something. Juvia took her hand and shook it.

"Hello Lucy-san. Juvia hopes to be friends with Lucy-san." Juvia said. I mentally face palmed.

"Juvia, how many times have i told you to talk in 1st person?" Levy physically face-palmed. I nodded in agreement.

"Juvia is sorry. Does Gray-sama wish to punish Juvia?" Juvia said. I blushed madly.



Lucy's P.O.V

"NO" I heard Gray yell.

"Oooh is Gray blushing?" I teased. That only made him blush harder. I giggled.

"LUCY" I heard Laxus-nii shout.

"WHAT?" I shouted back.


"OKAY I'M COMING" I shouted back. I sighed, and started walking towards the door. Then I heard Natsu shouting. Probably fighting. then i heard a very familiar voice, actually, more like two familiar voices. I walked outside.

"Sting?! Rogue?!" I yelled.

"Hiya Lucy!" Sting said, grinning.

"What's up?" Rogue said, nodding his head towards me.

"What the hell are you two doing here? And Natsu, I thought I told you to stop fighting with every dude you meet?" I said, face palming.

"Wait, Luce, you know these Sabers?" Natsu sneered.

"Yes, I know the 'Sabers'. I met them while I was at boarding school." I said calmly.

"You do realize Sabers and Fairy's are sworn enemies, right?" Natsu said.

"Yes I realize that. I just find it funny how a college in Crocus can have such a huge rivarly with a college from Magnolia." I said, putting emphasis on the word Crocus.

"Okay...how do you know these guys?" Natsu asked. At this point, everyone was outside. I turned to the twins. Well, they really aren't twins, but they're the same age and in the same grade so they just end up telling everyone they are.You can tell they aren't twins, too. Sting has almost white blond hair and has more of an open look with his white shirt, red flannel, and gray skinny jeans. Rogue, however, is the exact opposite. He has long, jet black hair covering his left eye (which is red thanks to his contacts). He wore a Misfits band tee and black jeans. He wore a black leather jacket along with black boots. Both of them had the Sabertooth logo on their overcoats. Rogue had his on the shoulder of his and Sting's was on the back of his fur-lined vest. Both in white.

"Oi Blondie, you just gonna stare at us with heart eyes all day or are you gonna speak?" Sting said.

"Was I staring? Really?" I said sarcastically.

"I guess she's gonna speak" Rogue commented. I gave them a death glare.

"Natsu, I met the twins in Crocus." I stated.

"How? You've been at that boarding school for the last five years. Your father didn't allow you to come home for any holiday breaks" Natsu was confused.

"Natsu where do you think Fiore's Boarding School for Misguided Children is located? Because it's obviously not here in Magnolia" I said, annoyed.

"Uhh....Clover?" He guessed. I hit him on the head.

"Ow! What the hell was that for Luce?" He rubbed the top of his head.

"For being dense. I MET THE TWINS IN CROCUS YOU DENSE BAKA" I shouted. I was so done. I forgot how dense he can be.

"I gotta agree with blondie here, you are a dense baka Natsu-san" Sting said, laughing.

"Shut it Sting unless you want me to knock you out too" I hissed. He backed away slowly. "Let me repeat my question, What. Are. You. Doing. Here?" I asked the two twins again.

"Uhh we j-just w-wanted to see our nakama again" Sting whined.

"Yeah LuLu, we just wanted to see you again~" Rogue cooed.

"Uhh...why do you call her 'LuLu'?"



Cliffhanger! This was a long chapter. Which brings me to ask







Should I start putting in the number of words at the end of the chapter? I saw it in a a fanfic i read, Ill update with the book and the user. But anyways are you all enjoying the book so far? Gomennasai i haven't been using very much Japanese, minna. Ill try harder next chapter. In the mean time though, please comment vote and follow!

Arigato Minna!


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