1.) Broken Boy

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Nickolye walked through the halls of his school with his hood up over his pitch black hair. He looked down, avoiding the eyes of his peers. He had never been a social person, always an outcast to society. His backpack drooped heavily on his right shoulder as he walked, just hoping he could make it to his next class without-

The hall was filled with the thuds and crumbles of his text books and papers hitting the ground at the same time as him. The group of boys that had tripped him snickered and taunted him with words like,'loser','freak','dumbass', and so many more. The group of girls across the hall giggled at the mess made as he tried to clean it up only to be kicked back down by the expensive sneaker belonging to the leader of the Pack. Scott Wilder. He had always had a vendetta against Nick, though nobody knew why. Finally, once the hallways cleared, Nickolye got back up and shook out the ringing in his head as he picked everything up. Once again he would be late to his class with no excuse but he got lost...again.

If he so happened to tell them what had actually happened he would be met with the large group of boys outside in the parking lot where they would proceed to kick him and punch him and throw him around till he is bruised and bloody, then throw him in the dumpster, walking away laughing at their fun.

Finally, after making it to class and receiving yet another scolding from the teacher as the boy's snickered from their seats, he moved to his eat in the very back corner and made himself as small as possible. Maybe if he went unnoticed through this class period he would be spared from the torture at lunch.

The class droned on as Mrs. Crawford rambled on about the history of world war 1. He looked down at his paper and doodled. He would draw tombstones and people dying only to be rescued by an angel or dragged down by a demon. He had always had somewhat of a morbid mind though he had no idea where it came from. Neither did his foster parents.

After class he made his way to lunch, only to be shoved aside and tripped. He ended up leaving the cafeteria and once again sitting in the hall to eat lunch. He only ate a little but, figuring he'd probably end up throwing up anyway later if the boys got to him after school.

Nickolye somehow survived yet another day of school. As he rushed to finished packing up and get out he prayed and hoped he would beat the boy's and get a head start home. Once he was outside he realized his hope was futile. The boys lounged there outside, against the old brick of the school, waiting for him.

Scott Wilder stepped up,"where do you think your going, freak?" He smirked, thinking he was so incredibly clever. Nickoly stayed quiet, looking at the ground.

"I just asked you a question!" Scott comes up and shoves him, knocking Nick to the ground.

"h-home" Nickolye replied from the ground

"Then we'll just give you a beating for the road" he snickered at him. As if on cue the other boys came up and started kicking him where he lay on the ground. All he could do was curl up and put his hands over his head and face to protect himself.

After what felt like forever Nick stood, the gang had all gone and left him to soak in his own blood and the vomit they had forced from his stomach. He was shaky as he walked home, once again missing his bus.

Once he was at the house Nickolye entered through the back door hoping not to be seen. He almost made it up to his room except for the squeek in he stairs. As the creaking sound filled the house his little foster sister poked her head out of her door. "Nicky!" She squealed in delight and ran down the stairs to meet him, her blonde curls bouncing cutely. Then she saw he mess he was, her nose scrunched up in disgust.

"Momma!" She called,"Nicky is yucky again!"

Nick did his best to quiet her down but not in time for his foster mother to come around the corner and see him. Her face flashed several feelings, anger, fear, sadness, but the one Nickolye hated the most was pity.

"Nick..." She she said it softly,"what happened?"

She always asked this but he would never give her a straight forward answer. He would never condemn Scott and the other boys.

"I tripped" he mumbled under his breath, rolling his eyes and turning and walking past his little sister and up to his room. That's where he spent all his time. The only one in his foster family that he could stand was Jamie, his foster sister. It's not that they we're mean to him, or in anyway rude or uncaring. In fact it was just that, they did care. They were sweet and kind and constantly trying to earn his love, but he didn't want to give them his love. His love was for only his birth mother, none of these people could replace her.

after he took a shower and changed he flipped down on his bed with a sigh, putting earbuds n to drown out the world around him. He decided he'd been with his foster family long enough, he'd run away tonight. No question about it, he was gonna run.

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