Flying sunflower?!

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Welcome back it has not been a long time haha, thank you to all for reading this book and i hope its good or i am geting better but on to the story

<Back to Ace's pov>

Luffy was laying on the floor asleep from all the eating and drinking as such her body couldn't take as much food as before so she passed out and is now sleeping like always but with adorable snores OR NO THEY ARE NOT or ye they are but AAAAAAHHHHH

"hey Ace you okey?" I look up and see it's Marko "I'm okey, just taking in what happened to Luffy

and calling him a she" he nods and looks at Luffy and said "she is kinda cute" i stand up and ran up to him and took his color and said "if you dare touch her you're dead"

he looked at me in fear and said "okey okey i wont touch her at all"

i let go of him and sat down and then i say "I'm sorry i have no idea why I'm so protective over her" he sat down next to me and said "it's because shes your younger sister, Luffy"

i looked up at him and said "yes, yes she is "i look at Luffy and smile while she makes a bubble with her nose

i laugh at how she looks and all of the sudden we hear screaming from the sky?!?!. All of the crew look up and scream "ITS A SHIP!!!!" "WITH A SUNFLOWER!!!!!!!!!!!!"

<minutes before that happened>

<Sabo's pov>

Franky runs out of his room and screams "IT IS DONE" everyone jump up and run to him

"its the SUPEEEERRR FRANKY POTARUFURAI!!!" (aka portal Usopp, Brook and chopper jump up and dance around and are singing

"WE ARE GOING TO SAVE LUFFY WE ARE GOING TO SEE LUFFY" Sanji, Zoro, Robin, Koala, Me and Nami smile and Nami says "so what do we do to activate it?"

Franky points at a read button and says "we press this one and then we said where we want to go ITS SUPPER"

Zoro hinds the button and says to the Whitebearda pirate ship" all of the sudden the ship starts to move and Franky then screams "you were suppose to say fishman island not their ship now we are gonna land on their ship!!!!!"


Everyone screams but we are too late we are all ready in the ear "You stupid mosshead!" Sanji screams "WHAT DID YOU SAY!!!" "MARIMOO!!!"

<and that's how they landed on their ship the Moby Dick>
(That cracks me upp)

<Ace's pov>

As the ship fell down on us i heard screams and then i notice IT WAS LUFFYS SHIP, "YOU STUPID MOSSHEAD" "STOP IT YOU TO WE ARE FALLIN-"

as a girl said that the ship got pushed from the moby dick and landed in the sea (or the water because they're surrounded by water and magically their ship was couded)

as i look around to see who did that i saw a black figure for a second but it was gone the moment that I blinked

I didn't make much of it so i looked back at the ship that Luffy's crew is on. Luffy is staring at his ship with stars in his eyes and then all of the sudden his crew jumps of their ship and lands on the boat, their names were Zoro, Franky, Sanji and chopper and the sest were on the ship, they scream


Hello again osom reader hope this was good and the reason this chapter was so quick to come out was because i was trying to pack up chapters (that is kinda failing 😂) and my friends saw the last chapter and she asked me to send her this chapter to go over it so THANK YOU Drea13_ and all of you check her out she is AMAZING

Blacks Out~

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