Shes gone

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We walked into the village. Lights were on and everyone was outside, talking, dancing, eating, having a good time while Snoutlout and I were miserable.
"There you are! Where were you guys?" Merida said spotting us.

She pulled Hiccup with her. We looked away.
"Nowhere important." Snoutlout said.
"Astrid. A word please." Hiccup said.

I nodded and we walked off.
"What was that?"
"Why didn't you object?"
"I'm sorry do you want a war on your hands?"
"I thought you loved me!"
"Excuse me? Who's the newly wed?"
"Why did you run out?"
"I'm sorry, should I have stayed and made a scean?"
"Really? Why did you run off with Snoutlout?"
"Why do you care? You have Merida!"
"And I couldn't​ ask for anyone better! What could you give me huh?"

I took a step back. My heart shattered. Everyone heard that and no one said a thing...well, almost no one.
"What in Thor's name did you juts say to her?"  Snoutlout asked walking up behind me
"Stay out of this Snoutlout!" Hiccup said.
"Hookfang, Astird."

Hookfang and Stormfly came up behind me. Stormfly showed her spines and Hookfang flamed up. Merida ran to Hiccup.
"Now. What did you say to her?" Snoutlout said slowly.
" I couldn't​ ask for anyone better than Merida! What could she, a plain shield maiden, give me? Huh?"
"Why not? It's the truth."
"She's the reason your alive!"

Hiccup's face froze. He glanced at me. I didn't look at him. I suddenly remembered all the times I and risked my life for him. Tears fell. I felt weak. I couldn't​ talk.

"So? I'd still be fine with out her."
"You've had no idea what you've lost!"
"Oh really? What did I lose​?"
"Astrid. And me. Both of you did."

I didn't look at him. Or Merida.
"Oh! No! Please, Astrid, Snoutlout, no!" Merida said, covering her mouth with realization.

Hiccup tried to walk towards me. Snoutlout, Hookfang, and Stormfly blocked his way.
"You stay the hell away from her!"
"You were the luckiest guy on Berk. You had Astrid like no one else did. She's strong, beautiful, tough, and smart. I could go on all night saying every little good thing about her. And you've just lost all of it. You've lost the best girl on Berk. You lost Astrid, friken Fearless Hofferson!"
"Snoutlout-" Merida started
"No. Don't. You'll just make it worse."

Snoutlout led me away from the party. Everyone was silent. The only thing you could hear was Merida's sobbes​.

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