Chapter 29: I Bear It So That They Don't

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I'm bleeding out
Said if the last thing that I do
Is to bring you down
I'll bleed out for you
So I bear my skin
And I count my sins
And I close my eyes
And I take it in
And I'm bleeding out
I'm bleeding out for you

Clarke stood at the door of the dropship, guns in both her hands, looking ahead, trying to feign a calm on her face. The air smelt of charred flesh and gun-powder. She looked at Lexa, standing equally stoically, swords in both her hands.
She had lost her once. Not again.

"Drop whatever weapons you have or I'm going to shoot," Clarke said, in a commanding voice.

Lexa saw the chance, and Drew out her blade. They were going to do this together.

Luna laughed. A cold, cruel laugh that sent a shiver down Clarke's spine.

"And why should we do that, Wanheda?" she mocked a bow.

"Because I'm gonna shoot you all, Alie. I won't care if you're a friend or not. I'll do what needs to be done."

"Then try," Luna said, and placed her knife over Raven's throat. Raven looked at Clarke placidly, smiling.

"Clarke, they're not themselves," Lexa said. "They won't stop. They WILL kill, just to get to me. There's no way out."

"No, NO." Clarke said vehemently. "I'm not letting them take you. I won't."

"Maybe this will help you make your decision, love" Raven smiled, and walked towards Octavia.

Octavia tried to draw out her sword, but Raven shook her head, "Tch Tch... Not so fast, dearie." She pointed her head towards Nyko who had Lincoln's throat by his blade. "Not before I make Clarke Griffin see exactly how far we are willing to go."

Clarke stood watching helplessly as Raven dug her knife into Octavia's side.

"No. NO. Let them go, please. I'll give you what you want. I'll do it. I'll give you the words. Just let them all go," Clarke said desperately.

"It's ok, Clarke. You're not going to tell the words, I am. I will take the chip." Lexa walked upto Clarke and placed a hand on her arm. "You WILL not take the chip."

"And risk the Flame fight is from within?" Luna asked incredulously. "You thing we are stupid or something? Blake?" she called, and Clarke's face fell as she saw the blank look in Bellamy's eyes as he raised his gun at Lexa.

"There, now I've given you some more motivation," Luna said. "Your mother's still there. Let us know if you still want us to continue. I have all the time in the world."

Clarke breathed in deeply. There was really no way out of this anymore. She looked at the lasers of the guns pointed at Lexa's chest and forehead. She saw Octavia bleeding out, beside Lincoln, trying helplessly to keep her conscious. She watched everyone she had ever loved, slip away from her.

She turned to Lexa.

"I'm sorry, Lexa. I'm so sorry," she half sobbed.

"It's ok Clarke, do it. Don't let them break you. Take it and do what you have to do. Save your people. Save all those who matter."

"What about you? You matter!"

"I've had a long life for a Commander. My spirit will choose wisely," Lexa smiled at Clarke sadly.

"Lexa no... I can't..."

"Falling in love with you, was the best thing that has happened to me, Clarke. You saw the good in me when no one else did. And I die a happy woman today."

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