Chapter 20: Seek Higher Things

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(Song: For my Help by Hayden Calnin)

One day, you'll come back here
For my help
Someday, you're asked to leave me
Couldn't it be easy?
Silent screams are hurting me,
Just ask for my help

"What the hell did you do, Reyes?" Octavia whispered to Raven.

Octavia was standing guard outside the healing room, with Raven, checking the corridor discreetly.

"Clarke asked me to distract the bitch, and I did. Don't be a prick!"

"Costia is screaming her lungs out. What did you actually do?" Octavia asked, now beginning to get worried.

"Phenolphthalein, ethyl alcohol and sodium hydroxide," Raven crossed her arms and said smugly.

"Whatever the hell you just said, it doesn't sound too good. Translate it to human language, please?"

"Lets just say I mixed some vanishing ink in the water," Raven said dramatically. "And now all her clothes and hair is dyed blood red."


"Oh it'll disappear in twenty minutes, O" Raven assured Octavia, and peered at the corridor, making sure the path was still clear.

"Raven it's been ten minutes...should we tell Clarke now?"

Raven looked a little conflicted for a few seconds. "She came all the way to see Lexa, O. Let her be in there a little more."

Octavia looked at Raven, who trying so hard to appear elated with her prank, as if that was the only thing she cared about."You okay with this?"

Raven looked down, hesitated, and then said, "If it makes her happy, yes. Atleast someone should get to be happy. She's done so much for us, O. She's taken the weight of the world upon herself ever since we've landed here. If she feels happy seeing Lexa, I'll am okay with this."

"What about you?"

"What about me?"

"Raven are we ignoring the fact that you're hopelessly in love with Clarke?"

Raven looked at the corridor, and stared straight ahead, trying to evade the question.

Octavia placed a comforting hand on her shoulder. "Raven you almost didn't eat and sleep for a week when she left. And now that she's back, shouldn't you do something about it?"

"Do what exactly? Tell her that u don't care if she doesn't love me back, but that I'm still hung up on her?"

"Maybe not those exact words..." Octavia shrugged.

"Octavia, Clarke is in love with Lexa. And I'm pretty sure that's why she left in the first place. To stop inflicting the heartbreak of Lexa seeing Costia, on herself. Maybe it's time I do the same..."

"Where the fuck are you planning to go now?" Octavia exclaimed, now positively worried for her friend.

"Nowhere" Raven laughed. "Calm down. I'm talking about moving on, O. Maybe it's time I take a leaf out of Clarke's book and try and move on myself. Plenty of fish in the sea!"

"There's nothing in the sea!"

"You never know," Raven winked. "The sea is deep and full of miracles, my friend."

"Well then you're going to wait for your miracle of the sea while Clarke gets her heart broken yet again?"

"I'm not so sure..."

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