Chapter 7: Foolish Love

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(Song: Foolish Love by Allman Brown)

Do you stare at the lights
Lost but happy to be so
For a thousand years
One thousand years

Maybe at times all you need is a friend telling you that everything will be alright. A friend who sits beside you when the sky is dark and raises a cup of wine and tell you that you'll always have her no matter what. Moments like those make you believe in people you'll never lose, people who'll never let go, and Clarke Griffin was a lucky girl indeed.

It was also in times like these, surrounded by Octavia, Raven, and Bellamy,  Clarke was beginning to realise that maybe she shouldn't be so beaten up about the affections or lack of it, from a complete stranger. And inspite of it all, she knew that there was a part of her heart that was beginning to form a sort of foolish vacuum for that stranger itself.

She did not know what it was. Maybe it the way she carried herself with utmost grace and dignity. Or the way she tried to hide her smiles under that tough exterior. The way her lips slowly carved upwards. The way the dark warpaint highlighted her cheekbones. They way she cared for her people. The way she looked vulnerable when Clarke had lost her temper with her in the throne room.

None of these were reasons enough. It was impossible for anyone to fall in love with the Commander, unless maybe you were Costia. So Clarke tried brushing her growing uneasiness aside and spent the rest of the night huddled in her room with her friends, rambling about the years lost and the years never seen.

"You don't need her. You have us."

"I know guys. And I don't care for her, honestly! It doesn't even matter." But didn't it? Didn't it matter? Why did it feel like it had begun to matter?

Raven put her arms around Clarke and looked into her eyes. "I'm here for you. Always know that, ok?"

Clarke nodded and pulled Raven into a hug.

Octavia, leaned against the wall and looked at the two, realising how lucky she was to have found someone who loved her back.

Love is a complicated thing, Raven thought, as she gently stroked Clarke's head, who was leaning against her.
It hunts you down when you least expect it. And it turns your world upside down. And it's difficult. It's pain and hurt and a hollow in your chest that cannot be filled. But it is the very drug that you crave right down to your bones. The very drug that forever eludes you. Love is pain. Love is hurt. But love is all we have. Love, and love alone, can heal our brokenness.


Do you dream of the ghost
That one day you will become
For a thousand years
One thousand years

Lexa lay in bed, listening to the stream of laughter and voices from her room. She knew that Clarke's friends were in her room. The Commander's room. Even a week ago, she didn't think anyone would have dared to enter the room without permission.

But so much had changed in a few hours. She had risked everything-her position, her legacy, her people, the alliance.

Raven's words rang in her ears.

"You might be the Commander of the thirteen clans now. But Arkadia can still bomb the shit out of your tower in a minute."

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