Chapter 23: Shrine Of Your Lies

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(Song: Take me to church–cover by Ellie Goulding)

My lover's got humour
She's the giggle at a funeral
Knows everybody's disapproval
I should've worshipped her sooner
If the heavens ever did speak
She's the last true mouthpiece

Lexa woke up to the hard summer sun hitting her face and arms. She groaned and tried to turn the other side when she realized the cause for the soreness in her shoulder—Clarke had fallen asleep on her arms and shoulder and had not moved an inch all night. Even as Lexa tried to prise her arms out from under Clarke, Clarke stirred slightly in her sleep, mumbled incoherently, gripped Lexa's arms tighter, and fell off to sleep again promptly.

Lying there, the morning sun on her face, Clarke's golden hair spread across her chest, and her calm peaceful breathing in sync with Clarke's, Lexa wondered why she had not done this before. She felt more at peace than she ever had before. Is this what it was supposed to feel like? Like never wanting to get up, like being there with the girl in her arms forever, feeling absolutely contented with life? Maybe it was.

"Heda" she heard Indra's voice from outside the door.

"Later Indra," Lexa said, trying to let Clarke sleep a little more, but it was too late.

"Mmph...too loud," Clarke groaned, and opened her eyes. "Too bright...fuck..." And then she saw her cozy little sleeping arrangement. "Oh float me! I'm so sorry! Did I fall asleep on you?"

Lexa chuckled at Clarke's sudden realization, "Yes, you did, Clarke."

Clarke tried to sit up, and groaned again,"Arrgh my much did I drink? What else did I do?"

"Oh you did a lot of things," Lexa winked at her and sat up.

Clarke's eyes widened, "Shit!"

"Relax, Clarke. I was just having some fun at your expense. You literally came back from Niylah's bar, where you are probably never going again, and fell off to sleep."

"On you?"

"Well, kind of," Lexa shrugged. "But not before you told me you are in love with Titus."

Clarke stared at Lexa horrified, and then it occurred to her."Did the great Commander just crack a joke?"

Lexa shrugged non-chalantly, "Take a shower, Clarke. You reek."

"Who knew you had a sense of humor!"

"I wasn't joking. You really do smell."

Clarke threw a pillow at Lexa, who dodged it expertly and stood up, grinning.

"Hey, I'm supposed to hate you. You're're a fuckboi!"

"I'm a what?" Lexa asked, looking utterly confused.

"You know, your amazing habit of tagging both me and Costia along...That reminds come you are in this room, Lexa? And why did you stay all night? What new shit are you planning now?"

"Planning?" Lexa looked a little sad at the obvious assumption. "You think this was all some plan?"

"Must be! What other reason can be there for it?"

Lexa wondered what to say for a few seconds, and then replied, "Ok, you got me. I do have a plan. I'll tell you today. I'll show you something. Meet me at my study before sunset and I'll take you."

"And the mystery deepens," Clarke said, dramatically, cursing herself a little. This was all too good to be true. There had to be a reason! Why else would Lexa be literally sleeping with her at her bed all night.

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