Chapter 3: I'm Alright

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It was a cool chilly night as the entourage rode in silence towards Polis. Lexa's black steed, contrasted with Clarke's white weaved through the trees and forest floor in an intricate yin-yang patten. The silence of the night was softly broken by the clip clip of the hooves.

Lexa cleared her throat and asked, "Have you seen Polis before?"


"What do you know about us, Grounders, Clarke?"

"Just that you guys have been trying to kill us ever since we landed here."

"I could say the same about you." Lexa smirked.

"I guess."

"Anya almost got killed because of you."

"I wasn't perfectly safe either, Heda..."

"You can call me Lexa."

"The point is Lexa, maybe this coalition will help both our people get over it all. Don't you get tired of fighting?"

"That is our way of life."

"Maybe there is a better one."

"Maybe. But we do what we have to do to survive."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean I'll always do what's best for my people."

"Just an hour or so back, you swore fealty to my people too."

Lexa nodded.

The sound of their fifty horse hooves broke the silence of the night.

"Our people," Clarke said, after a moment of silence.

Lexa nodded. "I have much to tell you, Clarke of the Skaipeople. But first we get to the tower."

" Tower?"

"You haven't even heard of the Polis tower?"

"Didn't exactly have a lot of time to swap stories, Commander."

"Lexa," Lexa corrected her. "In that case, brace yourself. You'll be surprised I think."


Clarke rode silently beside Lexa, at the head of the group. She was amply confused at the vibes she was getting from her newly wedded wife.

Lexa had not been menacing or Commander like, like her reputation went. Instead it was rather cold and guarded. As if she had built walls all around herself that she wouldn't drop in front of Clarke.

They were married. Clarke had to remind herself every now and then. She was married to this stately graceful woman riding the black steed beside her. Her sharp jawline was put in stark contrast with the dark warpaint around her eyes. Her head, perpetually held a little high, and her deep set emerald eyes looked ahead in concentration.

Not a bad deal, Clarke thought to herself. You could've done a lot worse. Atleast everyone at Arkadia was safe. With the coalition, relations between the two clans were to become much more fluid and relaxed, and she hoped to see her friends soon. Octavia had already been training at Polis under Indra for the past couple of months. Clarke hoped she'd see Bellamy, Raven, and her mother soon.


After Clarke got over her initial shock of seeing the Polis tower, she turned to Lexa and asked, "So how do you climb up?"

"You'll see."

She heard Titus tell one of the guards, "lower the elevator," and wondered what it was. They didn't have elevators in the Ark.

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