The Acadmey

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I walked the halls thinking that it was a normal day. Forgetting about the world as me and my sister head to are classes. Other students walked around to. It was not just us. It was never just us.

Mia headed into her class as I waved her good bye. I walked alone. Into my first period class.

"Oh Hey Sarah!" I say as I wave to my friend as I sit down.

"Hey, are you scared?" She said, I was confused.

"Scared for what?" I ask.

She stares at me for a second.

"The Academy test," she says softly.

The words startled me. I had forgotten about the test. My mind immediately goes to Mia. Did she know?

"I think it would be scary to get in," Sarah says.

"I agree, it would be scary," none of us knew what happened there.

Suddenly the first bell rings and a man who wore a lab coat walked in. We all sat there scared.

"This is your Academy test, take your time but remember all tests are test are final,"

He passes out test to all of us.

We all start.

After the test I run to find my sister. I run up to her with a big hug.

"How did you do?" I ask her quickly.

"I did fine I think," she say softly.

I sigh, I hoped she didn't make it in, this little fourth grader was not ready for the world.

Unfortunately this was not the case. We got home that afternoon with two men in lab coats at are door talking to are parents.

I hold my sister close as the two men look at her.

"Is that Mia?" One of the men ask my mom.

She nods.

The man walks up to her, I hold her closer.

"Hello Mia, my name is Mr. Brook, it's nice to meet you," he sticks out his had to shake hers.

She shakes his hand. He smiles the whole time. It's a nice pleasant smile.

"Well Mia, you seem nice, what's your favorite subject in school?" He asks again.

"Math," she said that without hesitation.

It's true, she had been an expert in math since she was little. She was way past her grade level. This is what my parents would fear would happen. She was very smart so they would pull her away from us and send her to the Academy.

"Yes and you Academy test shows that," the man says.

All are fears came true. Mia was very scared. She stood behind me again. Shaking, and to be honest I was to.

"Your sending her to the Academy," I said not making eye contact.

"Your smart Lindsey, we are asking that Mia goes to the Academy," the man spoke.

"But isn't she to young?"

"No actually she is the perfect age,"

There was a long pause.

"Well, she is not going if I don't go!" I scream.

My mom rushes next to me, holding my hand. I pull away. I have seen to many of my friends siblings be pulled away from there family's. So I made a promise that if Mia got chosen then I would not let her go unless I went with her.

"What we expected, if you don't want her to go alone, then we will just send both of you," the man said sounding not surprised at all.

"No! No no no, I can not lose both of my children!" My mom said as she grabbed my arm.

She looked over at my father, he stood there smoking. Like usual.

She started to cry.

"I will give you a day, find out who you are sending, and tell me tomorrow," the man said as he slowly started to walk away with the other guy.

The other guy looked back at me with his emerald green eyes. In that moment I found out about 3 things. He was around my age. He was training to work of the academy. And he was cute.

Me and my mom looked at each other. We then went inside. My mom shoved me up into my room, wail she let Mia go eat the spaghetti she had made.

"How could you?!" My mom whispers as soon as the door closes, "I can't live another day with your father, much less alone!"

My mom had tried many, many times to get a divorce lawyer. However it cost to much. She can't stand him, he is not the man she once knew. I felt the same. Nothing he did could ever repay for what he did to my mom.

"Mom, I can't just leave Mia all on her own there, she is scared," I whisper.

"Oh my goodness, child I love you and your sister, however I can't be left with your father alone, how many times to do I need to put this through your head!?"

"Mom this is different, Mia could get killed on there, no one knows what happens in there!"

She thinks for a few minutes. Sits down on my bed. Then she stood up again to face me.

"Ok I will let you go, just don't get yourself hurt," she said softly.

I give her a big hug.

"Thank you," I say before running down stairs to eat and tell Mia.

I find her and my dad at the table eating. Not one word has left either of there mouths.

"Mia! Good news I can go with you!" I say as I sit down.

"Oh good now I don't half to deal with either of you," my dad speaks up. The smell of smoke invades the room.

He then got up and went outside, me and Mia watched as the car pulled out from the drive way.

"He is off again," my mom sighs as she sits down at the table.

We eat and then me and Mia go to pack.

I'm in my room pulling out my suitcase when my mom comes in.

"Just got a call, only pack your essentials, they will have clothes there for you and other things," she said.

She then left to tell Mia. Who probably already started packing.

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