Final ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccchappy!!!! yaay i made it here!

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Okay so this is wats happens


Anna moved in with Damon and Elena as their 'Daughter.'

They moved after Anna 'graduated'. They constantly move so no one will guess they are vampires.

In New York Anna meets a new dude name Jayy. He's also a vampire. They end up gettting married after a while. Anna and Jayy move out and live their life.

Everything turned out like bleh because then they don't have Klaus to fight anymore. But time to time they'll gets to find a douch vampire dude (*cough* edward *cough cough*) Wat? Who said that???


okays so thanks for reading this whole thing. I gotta say that my writing has changed from when I first wrote this. An example are my new stories. If you wanna u can reads it.. it would make me happy.But oh wells thanks for reading n likings n fanning or commenting wat ever it is u did but it was greats of you! loves u all!!!!!!!!!!

-Adrenaline Extermination!!!

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