Chapter 26 (Let It Out)

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"You're healing up just fine, Brant. I'm guessing the everyday pain is gone so you wont be needing your medication."

Brant proudly agreed with the doctor and never made a move to tug his shirt back on, not with me staring at him, no matter that it felt like it was twenty below in here. I was already wrapped up in his Carhartt jacket, sitting in the corner and watching the doctor finish up his examination of Brant's side. I have no clue how he was not trembling from the cold.

All it took was a month and a half for his bruised ribs to completely heal. The once dark purple bruise had faded to a light yellow green. It didn't hurt him to move anymore, I could even hug him tighter now without any complaints, as long as I don't dig in his side too much.

He looked over at me, that look of love still in his eyes even after dealing with me everyday as his girlfriend for over a month now. I don't know how he does it, especially when I get demanding or insecure about something, but here he was, still giving me those heated looks that made me shiver more than the cold weather that has crept up on Motown.

"Looks like you'll be able to inhale plenty of food for Thanksgiving," the doctor said with a pat to Brant's back.

Yep, Thanksgiving was only a couple of days away. We would gather at the Young's place for a thanksgiving meal that we have been saving up to have for a while now. It's been harder with fall and winter coming into the town. Crops have died out, a main part of the Young's financial support, so Brant and I decided to do something extra to help pay the bills at their house.

Together, Brant and I went into town job searching, and when all failed because no one could afford to pay anyone for help, I decided to sell myself for money. I wasn't selling my body, I was selling clothes I had back home or here I could live without, and using the Internet to do it. My Gucci, Prada, and Louis Vuitton purses helped pay for all the animal feed we needed for the winter and the light bill. Dad threw in some Calvin Klein suits he hardly wore and a autograph pair of boxer briefs to sell on ebay. Surprisingly my father's underwear went for over two hundred dollars.

Brant hadn't wanted me to do it at first, he wanted me to keep my nice things. To me it was like I was showing how much I loved him. I was literally selling all of my things to be with him and to help him. His parents didn't even know where the money was coming from. Brant has been saying that it was extra money he has received from helping Austin. They wouldn't have taken it if they would've known it was from me.

A kiss to my forehead made me blink a couple of times until I came out of my mind from reflecting on what has happened over the past months. "Are you ready to go?" Brant whispered. "I'm making lunch."

I smiled up at him, standing to my feet just to embrace him in a hug. Thinking about the past months made me think of how wonderful it's been sharing it with him. He doesn't have much spending money left over from the cows to take me anywhere, so our dates usually end up happening around his house, mine, or the lake where I had Internet access to sell my things online as long as I had my hotspot or cell on me.

Even though our dates aren't the most extravagant like how most movies and books portray them to be, every time we're alone it's the best moments of my life. We talk, laugh, kiss. His kisses were always my favorite part. We weren't like most couples, it was harder for us in some ways. Brant expresses how sorry he is all the time that he can't do anything huge for me. I often tell him how I wished I could do more for him and his family. We were stuck in a tragic relationship where we are happy, but not happy all at once. But we were okay. What's the point of being together if you can't persevere through the hard times hand in hand?

"Here's your jacket," I spoke up on our way out the examination room with him. I tugged off the Carhartt and held it out for him to take. The last thing I wanted was for him to get sick. He smiled, slipping it on but pulling me in to his chest so that his body heat would keep me warmer.

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