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dedicated to depressedsouls for writing a book review of this! :D



I stumble into class which I hadn't been present to in days. I felt eyes on me as I moved through the seats of students, weaving in and out until finally finding my seat in the back. I plopped myself down, and slumped my body in the chair. I was exhausted.

The past few days consisted smoking, drinking, and lots and lots of kissing. I wouldn't let Marcie go home, even when she begged me to let her. I wanted her with me for some odd reason and I didn't care if people knew. I didn't care if I had class, and that I missed it, because for right now, she was all I needed. But, I knew I had to go back sometime.

My professor droned on about his lesson and I caught myself drifting off again. I felt my body finally settle when there was a tap at my shoulder. My lifted my head from my crossed arms and peered around the room. People were clearing out and my teacher stood in front of me. He tapped his foot before I finally meet his eyes, they blazed with anger.

"Michael, just because you had your little vacation the past four days doesn't mean you can bring it to class with you." He scolded me.

"I-I'm sorry, Profesor Wicks. I'm just tired is all." I stood, swinging my backpack over my shoulder and began to walk towards the exit.

"Mr. Clifford?" I rolled my eyes before turning to him. "Go see the acedemic administration. You're on the verge of failure."

I huffed, turning again and pulling the strap of my backpack up on my shoulder again. I pushed open the heavy door and the suns bright rays blurred my vision until I adjusted. I was slacking, I knew that, but I didn't know it would mean failure. I quickly hurried to the administration office across the vast campus and opened the glass door. I walked up to the desk and the lady who sat behind it stared at me until I spoke.

"I was sent here by Mr. Wicks." I said, leaning the palms of my hands against the desk.

She nodded. "Dean Winters will see you soon." She pointed to the chairs. "Take a seat while you wait." She smiled warmly and I walked to the chairs lined up against the wall. I slid off my bag and placed it next to my feet before sitting. I drummed my fingertips against my knees and nervously bounced one of them out of habit. I wasn't nervous of what he would say, I was more nervous of what my mother would say when she finds out. I could be suspended, especially since I was given such an outstanding scholarship.

I saw Dean Winters poke his head out of his office and he motioned for me to come inside. I sighed, picking up my bag and walking into the room. I sat on the awfully uncomfortable wooden chair infront of his desk as he sat in his big office chair. He peered at me, his eyes narrowing before speaking.

"Michael. Michael Clifford." He looked at the papers inside a folder on his desk, then looked at me again through the glasses that were rested on his nose. I nodded, my eyes desperately searching for an escape. "You're from Australia?"

I nodded again.

"Hm, and this scholarship is- it's one of the highest ones we offer to kids like you." Kids like you. It's like I was some sort of outsider, which I kind of was, but the way he put it made my blood boil. "And you have the nerve to miss countless classes, and forget assignments? Do you think this a joke?"

I spoke through my gritted teeth. "No, I'm well aware that it's not a joke."

"Then act like it. Clean yourself or you'll be expelled." The funny thing was that this wasn't the first time I'd heard this.

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