Part 15

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Cara's POV

'Harrison?' I said, with emphasis in my voice, it was obvious I was shocked, but so was he. 'Hello.' he whispered. He didn't look evil anymore, he looked sad, lonely. 'What the hell do you want?' I shouted in his face. He stared at me and told me about how he got mine and Mr. Davies numbers, how he knew we were in the hospital, quite stalkerish really. He stopped and sat down on a cardboard box. 'I hate April, I hate what she does to you.' He sighed sadly. I looked at him and realized maybe he wasn't the bully I thought he was, he was just misjudged and unhappy. I tried to be friendly and put my arm around him. But he took it the wrong way and tried to kiss me. For a moment I kissed him back but then I stopped. 'What are you doing?' I shouted at him. 'Why did you just do that?' He just stared up at me hurt. 'You bully me.' I cried. 'You call me horrible things, things that hurt me then you try and kiss me, what's wrong with you?' I scream. He stared at me then started crying to. Wow. I thought, I never expected Harrison, the toughest guy in school to start crying. 'I did it.' He replied softly. 'Because I love you.'


'THIS IS ALL WRONG!' I shouted, stamping my feet up and down on the tiles. He tried to kiss me again but I pushed him off. 'No.' I screamed in his face. 'I don't like you, I love Michael Davies, and that's that, you hurt me Harrison, for years you've hurt me.' I said in a raised voice, though I had calmed down a little. 'I'm sorry.' He cried. I slapped him across the face. 'Why those messages?' I shouted now, my voice getting a little louder as I spoke. 'Do you plan to tell anyone?' I screamed. He paused for a moment. 'I was j-j-jealous.' he finally spoke. I stared at him confused. Him? Jealous of Michael? His own teacher? I sat down again next to him and saw the hurt in his eyes. 'I'm sorry.' I said calmly. 'I love him, I don't love you Harrison, the things you did show that you'd be ashamed of me even if we did go out, but that's the thing, we never will.' He started to cry properly now but I wiped his eyes. He took a deep breath and finally said. 'I won't tell.'

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