Chapter 9

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Raymond and I quickly got dressed. We went into the car, and he lost it. He was speeding over the speed limit. 

"Raymond. Slow down! You're scaring me." I yelled with tears.

We came to a red light and he hit the steering wheel hard with his hands.

"Skylar. I'm sorry. I can't lose my best friend. He's been there. In and out, good and bad, heartbreak and joy. I just can't..."

I looked at him and grabbed his cheeks. I wiped his tears with my thumbs. His hand touched my wrist. He leaned in and kissed me. It was like he instantly relaxed. The green light came back on, and he drove.

We arrived at the hospital and ran to the desk.

"Derek Hawkins! Where is he?" Raymond said banging the desk.

"Who are you?" the woman asked.

"Raymond Jones. A doctor called me! I need to know where is he?!"" He said about to cry.

"Young man?" a doctor asked while passing by.

"Did you call me about Derek?"



"Come with me."

We followed the doctor into a private room. 

"I'm Dr. Gordon. Please have a seat." He said pointing to two seats.

"What's wrong with Derek?!"

"Before I tell you, you have to tell me who this young lady is."

"This is Skylar Evans. My girlfriend and good friend to Derek. Now tell me Doc!"

I was sitting next to Raymond and holding his hand. He gripped it tightly, so to calm him I rubbed my thumb across his hand.

"Well. Derek as you know was hit by a truck. We did a CT and MRI, and we saw he had internal bleeding. So we went into emergency surgery. The bleeding was to heavy in his abdomen. Our top neurosurgeon fixed his brain. But with the bleeding, we are afraid he won't make it until tomorrow."

My heart dropped. I could tell Raymond's did too. 

"Excuse me." Raymond said releasing my hand and walking out the door. 

"Are you sure? Is he for sure going to die?" I asked while crying.

"If a medical miracle could happen right now and shine on Derek, then he would be okay. But now, its up to him."

"What about the girl he was with? Selena?"

"She has a broken arm and some stitches. It's a miracle she's alive actually.She was thrown out of the car. Like she jumped out in time."

"Can I see her? What room? And what room is Derek in?"

"You could go see the girl. She's in room 504. Derek is in room 510. He just got out of surgery so give him 15 minutes."

"Thank you." I said wiping my tears.

I walked out the room and saw Raymond on the floor. His hands were folded and up to his face. He was sitting on his butt though and his legs up to his face. It was like he was.. Praying.

"Raymond.. Babe."

He looked up to me. I sat across from him and took both of his hands into mine. 

"Where is he?"

"I'll tell you. But first we are going to see Selena. The doctor said he just got out of surgery. We have to give him 15 minutes."

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