Chapter 7

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Friday came and it was finally my date with Bryan. Normal, boring school went on. Lunch came and I talked to DJ and Selena. I saw Raymond in the cafeteria and he smiled at me, as usual. I would look at him, then look away. I know I might sound like an ass, but he hurt me. I saw that Derek was sitting with just Raymond.

*ding ding*

My phone went off. I looked at my phone and saw a text message from Mason. What could he possibly want now?

I unlocked my phone and went to messages. I opened his message and it read: "Skylar baby. You'll come crawling back to me and I already know it. Your such a little pussy ass bitch to not even hit Alex back. All of our training for nothing. Burn in hell you rat."

I almost dropped my phone in my lunch after I finished the message. DJ looked at me and saw something was wrong.

"Hey girl you alright?" She asked while putting her hand on my arm.

"Yea I'm fine. I'm just going to go to the library. Forgot that I have to research something." I responded while picking up my bag. I left the cafeteria and went to the library.

When I got to the library, no one was in there. It was like an abandoned room that not even a ghost would enter. I walked to the book shelf close to the back and picked up a book. It was called "Milk and Honey". It was a book of poetry and how a girl wrote her life in poetry for many years. I began to read the first few pages and realized that I could somehow relate to this. Not fully but semi. I sat down on the floor with my back to the wall. I folded my legs and began to read the next few pages. The library door opened and I saw that Derek walked in.

"Skylar?" He exclaimed into the empty room. I heard his footsteps and realized he was looking around. Shoot, I'm not in the mood to talk to him. I started to get up, when all of a sudden, my clumsy self dropped the book.

"Damn it." I whispered to myself.

Derek came to where I was and saw me. I looked at him and he stared back.

"Can I help you?" I asked.

"Raymond." One word. And that one word. That name. I knew something was wrong.

"What's wrong with him? And why should I care. He didn't show up for anything. He wasn't THERE when I needed him!"

"Skylar. He is breaking. He can't stand it when your mad at him. Skylar you don't realize this. He is fucking in love with you. He hasn't felt this way in a while. You changed him."

"Yea sure, I 'changed' him." I said with making air quotations.

"Stop being so damn stubborn and listen to me damnit." He started to get angry.

I grabbed my bag and walked up to him closely. I then gritted my teeth.

"If he has something to say.. Let him say to my face." I said then walked out the door.

I was walking to my last class when I saw Bryan. I instantly smiled and so did he.

"Skylar!" He said while walking towards me.

"Bryan. How are you?"

"I'm great. And you are looking as beautiful as ever."

"As if . Today is a lazy day." I giggled and so did he.

"Oh please. If this is a lazy day, I would love to see what you wear tonight." He said biting his bottom lip.

"So where are we going tonight?" I blushed.

"To the top restaurant of the city. Then after that is a surprise."

"Can't wait Bryan." I smiled.

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