Chapter 19

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It's been about a few hours and Jack hasn't taken his incorporeal form yet. Maybe he's still alive? You think pushing on his chest. You check his pulse pressing two fingers on his neck. Nothing. You look around frantically. Jack did say he was coming back, right? Your cheeks feel hot and all of a sudden it's like you're about to cry again. Where could his ghost have lingered to? You think soon after flying out the window making your way to the graveyard.

You look back and forth searching for some kind of spirit that may have been Jack's. You close your eyes blinking back your tears seeing your own grave. Jack was with me then. He helped me to cope with my own death. I wouldn't have been able to go through it without him. Granted, he probably still felt guilty after all that has happened, thinking that somehow it was all his fault...Even if it was that would still be a lot of pressure on him. I felt so sorry for him and just wanted to tell him that. I LOVE HIM.

You bump into one of the spirits lingering around the graveyard in the foggy mist all of a sudden being face to face with them.

"Is Jack here?" you ask stupidly.

"I don't know who that is..." they look at you as if to say more, but keep there mouth closed.

"Where could he be?"

"Well he could be in Hell," you freeze, cringing. "Or maybe Heaven." you sigh in relief. He's most likely there. You thought thinking of all the nice thinks he's done for you. Now you yearned for him even further.

"How do I find out?"

"Talk to the Devil or God." they reply immediately. You look up, then look to the ground. Good to be sure.

"I'll go through Hell and back for him." You say smiling at your own corny line.

Incorporeal  (jacksepticeye x reader)Where stories live. Discover now