Chapter 10

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Sean's POV
I had no idea what had just happened. It felt like I was being used in a way. It's hard to explain. Like I had just picked up an invincibility star from Mario and was beating those goons with one hit kills. I only have a brief memory of it. One minute I'm on the ground, basically getting jumped as my groceries are getting stolen, the next I was laying on top of a goon I had probably knocked unconscious and was running away with the rest of my groceries.

I didn't stop running. The thought scared me so much that I could have been watched. Like something...or someone, was there. I felt a lingering presence as I made a turn from my house. I knew there was a Ghost-Busting company not far from here. Maybe they can help me.

I neared their building and went inside. One of the ladies known as Jillian Holtzman sits at the front desk wearing a menacing grin looking like Professor X as she rolls the chair around hearing my presence. I guess they finally got rid of that dumb receptionist.

"Hey my name is Jillian Holtzman, how can I help you?" she asks in a low but fast tone of voice. I shift my weight pulling on the collar of my shirt feeling slightly uneasy at her abrupt question. I wasn't sure of how to phrase or more so, explain it.

"I feel this...presence near me. I want to get rid of it." she pauses. then smiles an even bigger grin than what she had on before. Almost sinister. People said she was the psychotic one in the group but I didn't actually believed them.

"Look into my crystal ball..." she waved her fingers around it mysteriously. Feeling kind of silly I did so.

"What do you see?" I whispered.

"Oh nothing!" she said in an abruptious tone, sliding the ball off of the table pulling out a long, shiny object from under the table.

"This is a p.k.e meter," she explains seeing the questionable face I make. I nod my head mouthing 'oh,' "This will help me get rid of that ghost of yours." I try to explain that I don't know if it's a ghost or not, and that's what I came here to find out, but she already has the radar on, which makes a loud siren-y noise.

Your POV
You float through the tent you see Sean enter. You knew damn well that wherever this is wasn't his you wondered where you were. That was until the lady at the table started talking. What you heard was that she was a Ghostbuster, and that Sean was looking to get rid of a "ghost" you.

You felt hot tears form in your eyes as you thought of leaving but decided to stay growing inquisitive of exactly what she would try to do.

The radar turned on and she started to feel the sleeves of Sean's clothing. She closed her eyes nodding, Sean looked very uncomfortable and you felt for him. The lady didn't look to be trusted in the first place. She had golden, frizzy hair all out of place like a mad scientist, a t-shirt with the Ghostbuster's logo on it under a green lab coat, red fringerless gloves, pink lipstick over her thin lips, and yellow tinted glasses which would only look good to her.This was gonna be interesting... you thought.

"Hmm...yes. There's definitely a ghost in this room!" she declared.

"How can you tell?" 

"Well there's this little red light that shows on this little thingy-ma jigger, it detects ghosts and other forms of paranormal activity," she leans in smirking showing her big, pearly teeth. "...It's actually pretty cool," she states, leaning back in the chair with a chill tone. "I can kill it for you if you want?" 

"Kill it?!" Sean looks taken aback and you smile thinking that Sean had finally come to his senses. I mean, it's not like you go around killing people for fun and their ghosts just follow you around everyday. It's obvious that the only ghost following you would be of the only girl you witnessed get killed today.

On the other hand, you scoff at the word 'kill' seriously? We're already dead, you can't kill us. Or so you thought. You look to Sean with a worried look seeing what he would say.

"Okay." He shrugged, not even batting an eye. You furrowed your brows, feeling slightly indignant at Sean's nonchalant answer.

"I'm just kidding!" she picks her legs up laying them on the table full of papers and other gadgets. Then she swings them off soon after resting her head on one of her arms lifting an eyebrow at Sean. "You can't kill a ghost, their already dead." Her tone of voice reminded you of the voice actor Patrick Warburton. "But I can put it in this tiny little box if you want," she holds up a metal container and knocks on it. "Isn't it so cute?" she says in a baby voice, making her voice all raspy. She seemed so flamboyant and jumpy which also made you worry that you weren't the only one she would end up "killing."

"Ooga, mooska, Mickey Mouse!" she ironically chanted as she opened the box making you feel slightly queasy, as if a giant wave is passing through you. "Now this baby's got a reversible psycho-kinetic energy sync plus my very own halo beam created by yours truly and we've got ourselves a ghost! Haha!!" You start to feel more and more anxious and sick to your stomach before Holtzman pulls out a third contraption.

"Now!" she pauses lifting up the large machine gun-looking object before slipping on the goggles that were on her head, tinted yellow like her glasses. "...This is gonna send a proton stream straight towards the ghost once it shows up on the p.k.e meter and any signs of paranormal movements and sounds will be picked up on my computer." One of the contraptions begins to purr as if taking in energy and you stumble back trying to prepare yourself for the sudden proton blast you would momentarily feel. You wondered if it would hurt.

Then all of a sudden you felt very...ticklish. You start to laugh hysterically.

"Wait!" she pauses. You continue to laugh. "I think I'm picking up something on the computer," she sets the gun down and turns around, doing a maniac walk cycle to her computer monitor. Sound waves start to appear on the tiny screen on the side.

"What do you hear?" Sean asks, both of them apprehensive, leaning towards the monitor.

"I hear...laughing!" she turns up the sound so that Sean can also hear it. You pause now with extreme apprehension hearing your laugh pick up on the computer. You fly away back to the house.

"Where did the laughing sound go?" Sean asks.

"She left before we could catch it."

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