Chapter 12

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It was opening night a Friday and the show was about to start the theater was packed, someone must have spread the word. I was ready, Autum was ready and Summer was ready. The pain inside had to go away we were all feeling it. This show meant everything to us this was our big break, but the fact that Summer was leaving in four days. I heard Mr. Allen one of teh producers.

"We have a great show for you tonight! Welcome to Broadway! Thanks for coming and enjoy the show!"

We had our bright flashy costumes on and our feather fans. We were happy dancing singing chorus a fake happy, just as fake as me being an actress.

We did our number and walked off the stage we had a couple more numbers, and we were stretching and Summer got aggrvated.

"Haley, if you want to make it in this world you need to get the dances right."

"Ok" I was shocked with this outbursted of angry behaivor. But yet i do the whole dance again.

"You need to do the kicks promptly!"

"Summer i dont need you pointers."

"Fine, fail for all i care."

"Summer knock it off."

"So now you tell me what to do."

"Summer calm down its ok." Autum pitched in

"You slack both of you."

"Summer just stop!" I say

"Is it worth it Summer?" Autum says

"You guys dont care all you care about is fame and your fortune, get it right dont embaress me out there!"

"Summer your being rude." Autum says.

"I can have my dance coach tell me this not you." I say

"I hate you." Summer murmers "You came in here all talented and nice, we took you in but get a reality check, stars are not from Florida you suck!"

"Haley, lets just walk away and cool down." Says Autum.

We stretched and got ready for a scene. It was awkward smiling to Summer and having her smile back. I hated this, I always stayed in her room at night but tonight i will be uin my room.

After the meeting after the show, i got a cap to the hotel, backed up my stuff and layed on the bed. I couldnt let this happen i had to text her, i reached for my phone and texted her want to come in my room? There was a simple response No. I'm not going to lie and say it didnt hurt because it did but it got me angry, I wanted to work this out but it was a two way street.

I couldnt sleep i heard Summers radio on low through the walls, she couldnt sleep either. I reached to my phone Summer we need to talk. Then a response came I don't.

I had a giant pit in my stomach for the next show and seeing somewhere after her blowup, but the show went as planned and me and Autum stayed in one corner and Summer in the other. It was awkward but i got through it barely.

Sunday we didnt have a show, so me and Lionel were going out for ice cream at Scoops, and we were going to his elementry school carnival at 2pm. I ordered a rootbear in a bottle my favorite from room servie, but it was also Summer's favorite to we always would drink rootbear and watch SNL and stay up late and gossip.

It was almost lunch time and I heard a knock on the door, I had never had an outside of the hotel visiter. I press the buzzer bottom and talk through the speaker. "Who is it?"

"Its me Autum,"

Autum why was she here i had to leave in less then two hours. I buzzed her in.

"Hey" I say


"What are you doing here?"

"You need to talk to summer she is leaving in two days!"

"She doesnt want to talk"

"Screw what she wants!"

"Um ok"

"you ned to go over therew and say something!"

"she doesnt want me to"

"BS! She doesnt know what she wants shes in shock and sad!"

"You think i should?"

"I know you should."

"Tonight we are goinfg to go to Club 12, and you guys are going to talk."

Club 12 was a club for teens 12 and over, I had never been there becuase it costs $25 dollars to get it, but we all got giftcards from the producers for Club 12, so we were going. Club 12 had the best soda fountain dancing and candy and ice cream bar. On saturday nights there was a concert and it was One Direction playing. I had never heard of them really but they were big among the girls in NYC. They had a poster up in Times Sqaure.

I had my hair down and starightened, it was only ice cream but i knew it was a date. I put on a clean summer dress it was June and the whether was fantastic. I had my wedges on and all i had to do was my make up.

When it was all said and done i have to say i clean up nice. It was nearly two and I was siting drinking the rootbear on the couch watching TV waiting for Lionel to knock on the door. He should be on time becuase he only has to walk a yard to get to my room.

Lionel was going to work out before we went to scoops and was goinbg to take a cab to the hotel. My phone rang as the clock turned two.

"Haley did you hear!?" It was autum she was in a panic.

"Hear what?" I say almost in a panic too.

"About the accident?"

I was scared now what accident could there have possibly been the clock turned 2:01pm and no Lionel.

"A cab was hit by a drunk driver."

A cab? No not a cab, there are lots of cabs in New York its the main way through the city a cab.

"It It it..." She started to tear and her voice was raspy as if she were about to cry.

"It was bad, i dont know whats happening it was on the news!"

I wass trying to tell myslef to calm down Autum was an emotional person.

"Lionel was in the cab"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2012 ⏰

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