Chapter 2

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I was almost home and i got a call it was from Mary Ann, I was going to answer it but im glad i did. "Hey Haley!"


"Three weeks ago i got a call and it was from teh producers of broadway!"


"They want you!"


"Yes for a one scene background part!"

"That great! When can I go"

"Theres where you might get mad. Tonight at 10:10am a flight goes to New York."

"Thanks for the heads up!"

"It pays $100 per show and your garunteed fourteen shows."


"Ill pick you up"

I was accually excited that i could go to Broadway, but i was also wondering how my mom and brother would do with out me, after my dad went to jail I was thir support system. I had my cell phone i could talk to them this would get me $1400 at least\, money was crutial, but then again so was family.

We didnt really have a nice place, it was pretty small. It was white on the outside with a green door, most of the houses around where a different color but same style. the door was beat up from when my brother ran into with his bike. It always had a squeak when yiou opened it. It wasnt much but it was home.

"Ma!" I yelled.


"I gotta pack up some stuff i gotta job in New York"

"Thats great news hunny!" She gave me a big hug and kiss. "Im so proud of you, you can follow your dreams!" What she didnt know was that it wasnt at all my dream, i hated acting. It was the only job a kid could get, and it paid really well. I was an actress who didnt want to be one, I was a fake actress.

Fake ActressOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora