Chapter 7

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Autum came back. "Hey Haley your turn!"

I walked to the fitting room. "Miss please stand on the step." the semstress said. I hoped on a red block. "Hands out" She said. Other women grabbed measuring tools, pins, and clothing. They were scrambling to get the measurments, they had me slide on tights, dressing, and skirts. I was never much of a girly-girl in Gainsville, but i liked the colors of the thinbgs they had me slide on. I had come from a small depressing town in the clutches of Mary Ann Carter, New York was a time to reinvent myself as Haley Messing; a girl.

"All done!" She said "You may leave." I walked out having more confidence then ever this was a whole new world. This was New York. I walked back to Summer and Autum and they handed me a song titles "In Vegas" I wasnt really thrileed about the title. "Whats the play even about?" I asked.

"You didnt know?" Said Summer

"Its about a guy who wins the jackpot in Vegas and all this crazy funny stuff happens." Autum said.

"What are we gonna do in it?" I asked

"We are these background dancers in flashy sparkling costumes, when he goes to see a dance and singing show in Vegas and we also have some lines at the hotel the main charactor stays at." Replied Summer. "The song you have to practice your part is highlighted we are just chorus in the show."

"Wow!, look at the time" Said Autum "i have to go home bye guys!" She walked away and i was sitting at the back stage floor with Summer. "Where do you do?" I asked

"To the Hilton across the street, you?"

"No where."

"What do you mean no where?"

"i have no where to stay."

She started laughing, it really wasnt funny to me. "You really are new to this!, evehryone gets a room at the Hiltom, everybody's rooms are right by eachother when all the actors are there its kinda like a party, curtisey of Broadway of course. Come on lets go."

I walked with her and we got in her car, it drove a couple blocks and stopped at a beautiful marble building. We had a lot of motels in Gainsville not a whole lot of really hotels, not nearly as nice as this. We walked and i ogot my key, which unlike the motels in my town it was a card not a real key, you swipped it and the door opened. When i opened my door, i knew it wasnt a cheap $25 room, there was a king bead and couches a good sized T.V. My own bathroom it was so cool!

When I walked into Summers room it was the same as mine except a different sheet pattern.

"Hey we should go hang with Lionel!" She said. And we ran across the hall to Lionels room. Summer opened the door and screamed, he didnt even flinch. "Whos that?"

"This is Haley Messing." Summer said. "Haley this is Lionel Lett."

"Oh she's the new one." He said "The new ones dont usually last long, plus they are never better then the origional."

If anyone else had ever said that in Gainsville I would have set them stright, but I had to remember i wasnt in the small town of Gainsville and I couldnt do that here in NYC. I was always tooken pretty seriously, when you live in a hicksville lots of bad people roam around, lots of bad stuff happens in Gainsville, some people call it Gangsville.

"Hey Lionel dont hate on her you were the third edition to our group it was me and Autum for awhile." Said Summer.

"Yeah i still regret staying but here i am, when your guys are together nothing matters remember Julia?"

"Yeah i remember."

I was confused i had to ask "Who's Julia?"

"She was my best friend" Said Summer. "Me and Autum were best friends Julia would hang around but she said that i was discluding her and she walked out and I havent talked to her."

"Do you remember the last thing she said because i do i was there." pitched in Lionel.


"Allow me, when you have a best friend it doesnt matter how many other friends you have, shes the only person you care about."

I really thought about this it was very true, Jenny was my best friend back home i texted her good bye and that was it goodbyes were hard, they always were.

"Whatever Lionel." Summer said and she started walking out.

"Bye" I said I couldnt help but notice how cute Lionel was.

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