Chapter 11

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I was waiting for him at our beloved rooftop. It was 6:15pm and then 6:33pm and no Lionel. Gee this was my first date and i was being stood up. New York changes me back in Gainsville i would have never been interested in Lionel, but i guess it was this moment that made me realize i really i really didnt belong in Gainsville. There are more opportunities then being the girl whos dad murdered Mary Ann's boyfriend. It was almost 6:55 and i was getting angry. He kept me waiting here all this time for nothing. I got him his favorite candy a salted nut roll dipped in chocolate, his two favorite things nuts and chocolate.

I was done with waiting for Lionel. I grabbed the nut roll and took a huge bite, somehow that was my revenge against Lionel, and it felt good. I walked down the stairs and opened the door to the hotel. I opened our hotel door with the card and Summer wasnt there. Where could summer have possibly gone! I was nervous Summer wasnt one to take off without a note. I finished the nutroll, hungry because i didnt eat dinner, becuase i was to busy getting ready for Lionel. My floral skirt and navy blue shirt never looked better my hair was in a ponytail and i had accually put make out on all for that jerk; Lionel.

I layed on my bed and i heard crying, it was Summer i knew it. It was coming from accross the hall, Lionels room? I walked over and she was laying on the couch in his suite crying her eyes out. I had never seen her cry she always seemed so strong inside. Lionel was in the kitchenette making hot chocolate.

"Haley!" He said.

"Not now Lionel we will talk later." I replied furious.

"Im sorry i couldnt make it up to the roof."

"Im sure you are."

"She came in right as i was leaving i couldnt just leave her."

I was angry but deep inside it made me realize he was a real gentlemen.

"No its fine im glad yuou stayed with her."

"She never told me what happened she just sat there and balled."


I walk over to Summer she looked awful her make up was running down her face, i grabbed a tissue and wiped it off, her beautiful blonde hair was also full of black mascara.

"Summer whats wrong?"

"Its my my my my parents."

"What happened."

"There there there bankrupt." It was hard to understand her with her gasping and weezy voice.

"Thats ok you can make it on your own i did."

"No i have to move to Ohio."


"They cant afford me they have to ship me to my grandmas."

"Summer you can get a job it will be ok, what about the play checks?"

"They gave my grandma custody, she wants me there by law!"

"It will be ok."

"Enough Haley! You and me both know that im leaving and im not coming back your never going to see me and its not ok."

"Summer calm down!"

"Haley that annoys me so much that you try to sweet talk everything im leaving, and you want to know something my parents didnt even call the child services called me and they said they are picking me up on Tuesday!"

"Ok, im sorry."

"Call Autum i cant tell her"

"I will."

I was getting teary, Summer was one of my only friends and now she was leaving just like that and she would be gone. Gone like my father i will never see Summer again and on Tuesday I will say a cheery goodbye but will ache inside. Summer will never see me cry.

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