Chapter 9

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Dear Ms. Nadine,

You asked me to write you about my life before i came to New York, well I lived Gainsville, Florida. Its a really small town you've probably never heard of it. I go to Gainsville Middle School i am in 8th grade my birthday is coming up next month. My best friends were Jenny and Travis. I have a dad but he is not around a lot. i have a little brother name Ben i call him Benny, he is only 2nd grade. I have a mom to. They all leave back home. Our house is white. I like Gainsville, but i like New York too.

It wasnt my best work, but Summer was was out at the library and I wanted to get to know Lionel, he didnt like me and i didnt like that. I walked across the hall and knocked on the door.

"Who is it?" He aksed

"Haley Messing." I said.

"You can come in I guess."

I walked in I couldnt believe i was doing this what would one even say in a boys hotel room alone awkwardly.

"We've never really met and I dont want you to hate me."

"I dont hate you t hat much."

"Well thats reasuring." I said sarcasticy

"You seem nice."


"Its not everyday we see a new kid sorry if I come off distant."

"You do."

"It wasnt a question."

"Oh, right. So anyways what's your story."

"Summer's rubbing off on you."

"I guess so."

"Come with me."

This was strange he just got up and left out of the hotel room door. I didnt even bother asking where we were going it wasnt liek he was talking to me. We took the elevator up to the twenty first floor the very last one. He opened the stair case open and we walked up. The Hilton wa a ritzy place and on top was a pool, but it was April why would he go swimming? The pool was drained anyways. There was patio furniture all over. We sat in tw nice chaqirs facing East. "See here the run down apartment building?"

It was very apparent that the building wasnt in the best shape. "Yeah."

"I use to live there with my mom, sometimes I would come here and sit and watch the city from the Hilton watch my mom fight with her boyfriend through the window of the apartment building. I wanted to get away. So when i figured out that Broadway gave you free rooms here I could move out. Ive been doing plays since I was 6 but I just came here when i was 11."


We sat sat and talk for almost two hours about random stuff like funny YouTube videos and our favorite foods. It was close to 10pm when I heard my phone ringing from my pocket. "Its Summer, I gotta go see ya!" I ran I dont even know if he said goodbye.

"Where were you? I have been here since 8!"

"Sorry! I was just downstairs eating a late dinner and reading."

"Wow i must've totally walked right by you."

"Yeah haha, I was rellay into my book."

"Which is?............."

"Um, Gone with the Wind."

"Oh isnt that old?"

"Yeah, Its a classic!" It sounded stupid coming out of my mouth.

"Alright well im gnna go to bed, ill see you tomorrow.


I had no reason not to tell Summer about me and Lionel, it seemed wrong to me. She didnt need to know. Soon we wouldntr even remember eachothers faces shes gonna go somewhere big and I'm gonna get three million dollars and work at coffee house in Gainsville untill I'm 75, but at least ill be happy and not a fake actress drama quenn.

Fake ActressNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ