Female 10: Aura Demens

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Name: Aura Demens

Age: Sixteen

Gender: Female

Appearance: Aura is small, so small that she looks twelve instead of sixteen. She has difficulty making eye contact, her big dark eyes flitting from person to person and usually looking down. Dark brown hair flows down Aura's back in a pin straight waterfall. Angular, aquiline features grace her face, and her lightly tanned skin is smooth and pure. She's really undeniably beautiful, there's so denying that. But something about Aura seems to put people off; her blank, wooden expression or maybe the lack of emotion in her eyes.

Personality: Aura's not normal. Well, not by society's definitions, anyway. Somewhere on the autistic spectrum, she's incredibly intelligent and creative but...different. Aura has difficulty making friendships, or starting a conversation. She doesn't understand humour, or the perspective of the person she's talking to, unable to detect sarcasm. People don't matter to her, and she prefers to spend time in her lab, inventing things. Her mother does not think Aura is completely autistic, saying that she merely displays some of the signs of it, but has a hard time convincing others. People look at her hard time forming or reading facial expressions, her dislike of sharing things, her need for sameness and routines, and immediately put her down as such. However, inside Aura is a quiet, shy girl, who just doesn't understand. Incredibly gentle, she has a love for animals and inventing things, and loves her pets.

History: Born to world class psychologist Demeter Flaire and the lead singer of one of the country's favourite bands, Kyle Demens, Aura's life was one of a normal, pampered young girl. Until she began displaying signs that something wasn't quite right, that was. Neither of her parents cared that much for their child, always intending to enter her for the Selection in the hopes of boosting their social status. Power-hungry social climbers, they soon realised that if Aura's difference was discovered, their daughter would be relegated to caste Eight and the family embroiled in scandal. However, when Demeter proved unable to have anymore children, they decided to keep Aura to avoid any other hassle, instead hiding her away up in her lab letting her invent to her heart's content, and only showing her when absolutely necessary. So Aura grew up, with her only friends her dogs Laura and Inigo and cats Jax and Lillia, until she turned sixteen just in time for the Selection.

Reason For Entering: Aura's parents entered her, as had been the plan all along. While her chances of winning were slight, they went along with it anyway in the hopes that Aura would go somewhere.

Province: Atlins

Caste: Two

Favourite Colour: Green

Reason they were Selected: Aura was the second of two girls that Jessamine chose for Calix. Aura wasn't chosen because of her caste or her province or even her looks, Jessamine picked her because of the note in her file that said 'probable mental disorder'. With her odd sense of justice intact, she picked Aura as almost an act of defiance so she could show that this girl was like anyone else. And she's pretty in an unassuming way so Calix went along with it.

Writer Games: RoyalsWhere stories live. Discover now