Chapter Ten

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I was lying on my bed thinking about Fae when I swear her familiar scent of rose and lavender wafts through the house Slipknot were currently hiding in. The scent was strong, a little too strong to be a part of my imagination. Sitting up I sniff the air again, only this time the scent was tinted with blood and a lot of blood at that.


Shawn's voice bellows through the house alerting me. Rolling my eyes I wondered what Sid could have done this time. Getting off the bed I stretch and leave my room. The commotion was happening downstairs in the lounge. Fae's scent was stronger down here and so was the smell of freshly spilled blood.

"Before you go any further Corey just know that if Sid didn't do what he did Fae would be dead at the hunter's hands."

Chris appears in front of me rambling, but the only part of his conversation that caught my attention was Fae's name. Pushing past him I enter the lounge and my stomach drops at what I was seeing.

Fae was on her front on the sofa with the back of her shirt ripped open while Jim and Mick were getting medical equipment ready. Sid was stood by the window staring down at his hands and body which was covered in Fae's blood. Shawn was glaring at Sid while Craig and Joey didn't know what to make of the situation.

"Get yourself cleaned up Sid and I'll attempt damage control."

Sid looks over at Chris and nods before shuffling out of the room, but not before stopping in front of me with big puppy dog eyes.

"I'm sorry Corey."

Sid then vamp speeds up the stairs to get clean. Everyone turns their attention to Chris who shuffles uncomfortably on the spot. Shawn steps forwards, he could be a big teddy bear or a scary mother fucker. But I had one pressing question as I stare at my fiancée who was bleeding out in front of me.

"Before Shawn's interrogation, can someone tell me why Fae is bleeding to death on the sofa?"

I make eye contact with Jim who clears his throat, "She was shot four times by the hunters. One missed her spine by only an inch meaning she's one lucky girl but still critical since the other three bullets penetrated her in some organs that will leave internal damage. Mick and I need to get the bullets out since two of the four are still inside her."

"Do whatever you need to save her."

Jim and Mick nod in unison and go back to work. Shawn goes back to glaring at Chris now Sid was out of the room.

"What was Sid's plan and where do you fit in Chris?"

Chris sighs, "I literally only found out today when he left in a rush. He left Fae a burner phone suspecting that the hunters were up to no good and he was right. Corey wasn't the only one watching her, but Sid focused more on her friends and new neighbours who happened to be hunters."

A burner phone sounded like something out of a spy movie, Sid's guilty pleasure film genre. I scratch my head.

"Why couldn't she use her own phone?"

Chris turns his attention to me knowing I was less intimidating than Shawn, but when it came to the love of my life my actions could be questionable depending on what answer Chris gave.

"Her neighbours, the hunters got to her friends Ellie and Rosie. Ellie more so than Rosie, and got Ellie to allow them into Fae's apartment where they bugged her phone, laptop and even put up cameras to record everything."

That sounded like something the hunters would do if they suspected my death wasn't real.

"When did the cameras go up Chris?" Shawn questions, sounding less angry than earlier.

The Devil In I (Corey Taylor) (Slipknot) (Vampire) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now