Chapter Three

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Corey didn't come around last night and I understood after he broke down on the phone saying his best friend and fellow band member Paul Gray had tragically passed away and he wanted to spend some time with the band getting all the affairs in order. Also, his band now knew I existed which was surprising and also a little scary because I wanted them to like me.

Although the main bulk of my work and income came from my artwork I liked to help out at a friend's record store because music was another passion of mine. I only had an hour left and the store was dead, well until the bell above the door rang indicating a customer.

I finish organising the vinyl and turn around coming face to face with Jim, Chris, and Mick. I liked Slipknot so knew the members faces both masked and unmasked. I wasn't expecting to meet any of them let alone three of them anytime soon.

"Hi, can I help you guys?"

Jim steps forwards and I suddenly feel very small compared to him.

"This isn't what you were expecting right? Neither were we."

I nod, "oh thank god we're on the same page."

Some of the tension disappears. I head back around the counter and sit on the stool. Chris leans against the counter while Jim and Mick lean against the racks of CDs.

"So are you guys here to make sure I'm right for Corey?"

Mick chuckles, "you got us Fae. Caught us in the act."

I lean forwards on my hands, "sorry to hear about Paul, I know I didn't know him but I know what it's like to deal with death. We hardly know each other but if you need to talk to a mutual party then I'm here."

Jim awes, "ah Corey chose a sweet one. But please say you have some bite in you Fae."

I lean back folding my arms across my chest, "come behind here and try me, Jim."

Jim claps his hands together, "okay then it's safe to say we approve. You're actually good for Corey."

I give a little bow, "even if you didn't like me Corey would go behind your back."

This meeting could have gone worse. Luckily there were no other customers so we could mess around and get to know each other better. However, when I shut the store up for the day I decline a ride from them choosing to walk home because the weather was nice.

Waiting at the crossroads the little man turns green and I step off the curb having the right of way.


I snap my head to the right to hear Chris shouting my name. My eyes widen seeing a van skip the traffic lights without slowing down coming straight at me. Someone wraps their arms around my waist and pulls me back up onto the curb roughly, seconds before the van could hit me. I look up at my saviour to see Chris, but I was confused how he got to me so fast.

"Are you okay Fae?"

Chris releases me and starts to check me over for injuries. I smile and slap his hands away.

"Thanks for saving me Chris, maybe I will take you guys up on that offer for a ride home unless I want to risk the chance of becoming road kill."

Chris laughs, helps me to my feet, and guides me towards his car.

~Skip Car Ride~

We pull up outside my apartment building and my eyes widen recognising the same van that nearly ran me down outside the building with two guys unpacking boxes. There was only one free apartment in the building, the one opposite mine on the top floor.

"Looks like I have new neighbours guys."

I swear I see Mick clench the steering wheel and flare his nostrils like he'd smelt something bad. Chris who was in the passenger seat nudges his friend in the ribs and shakes his head.

"Give me your phone Fae, I'm going to put all our numbers in just in case you need to get in touch with any of us."

I hand Jim my phone while continuing to watch the strange silent interaction between Chris and Mick in the front of the car. I think nothing of it when Jim hands me my phone back.

"Thanks for the ride and it was nice meeting you."

"Be wary of vans Fae."

I nod at Jim and get out of the car. They drive off and I walk up the steps ignoring the two guys from the van who were staring at me after deciding to stop unpacking their boxes. I clench my fists.

"What you see me now? But you didn't see me when you skipped that traffic light."

The guy with blonde hair raises his hands and smirks, "my brother can be pretty reckless behind the wheel, but I would have stopped for a pretty lady."

I scoff, "go screw yourself."

"Fae I was in town when Jim called me."

Corey appears by my side and puts an arm around my waist making the blonde and his brother with coal black emo hair take a step back and look at each other.

"It's okay Corey, shall we go inside? I want to know how your band found out where I work."

Grabbing his hand I drag him inside the apartment building, all the while he was glaring at my new neighbours with murder in his eyes. I push him into the open lift and entwine my fingers through his making him look down at me.

"I'd have killed them both if they hurt my Fae. Luckily Jim, Chris, and Mick were there to save you."

"You're too good to me Corey. Now, are you spending the night?"

He nods, bends down and kisses me quite passionately "of course I am."

Smiling against his lips the van incident gets put to the back of my mind. Nothing could ever come between us.

The Devil In I (Corey Taylor) (Slipknot) (Vampire) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now