Chapter Five

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This couldn't be happening, we'd done everything to cover the band's tracks to make us a less appealing target to the people who wanted us dead. I needed to come clean to my fiancée about my true vampire nature, but the hunters were getting closer and took up most of our time.

Joey, Craig, and Chris went out of town to do some recon while the rest of us started making serious plans. However, when the three came back they had grave news involving Fae. The hunters knew her name and that she didn't know about vampires, which was scary because they could kill her if they thought she was a threat.

"I know what I need to do guys."

I never wanted it to come to this but I needed to keep Fae safe. The rest of the band stare at me.

"What do you need us to do Corey?" Sid pipes up.

"I need to fake my death, make Fae believe I'm dead. That way the hunters will leave her alone. Make myself vanish and then when the heat dies down I come clean to her."

Everyone looks stunned, this was out of the blue even for me. they knew how obsessed I was with Fae, hell I'd proposed two months ago and we were planning our future together.

Mick clears his throat, "are you sure about this Corey?"

I sigh and nod, "I'm sure no matter how much this pains me to do."



When Corey proposed he acted up and didn't seem like himself, well now he was acting out of the ordinary again except this time he didn't shut me out which slightly unnerved me. it was like he was a man possessed with a single unknown goal, he was paranoid about my safety and demanded I take self-defense classes as well as learning how to shoot a gun. I loved Corey so didn't question him, even if it meant buying a gun and keeping it in my apartment.

"Corey you seem tense tonight. Tell me what's wrong, did I do something?"

I sit behind Corey on the bed while he sits at the foot of the bed staring at the open bedroom door, and start to massage his shoulders.

"You haven't done anything Fae, you're my rock and stress relief. I just have a lot on my plate, and I'm struggling to deal with it all."

That did something to relax my nerves, so I continue to massage his shoulders.

"Don't bottle everything up Corey it's not healthy. Are you staying the night?"

He reaches up and holds my hands sighing loudly, "I need to clear my head Fae."

I pout and clamber off the bed so I can face him, "tell me you're not going to do something stupid, Corey."

He reaches out and cups my chin before bringing his lips down on mine chuckling, "you're too good for me Fae, I love you and always will no matter what people might say."

I don't make a move to stop him as he gets up, shrugs his coat on and leaves. I throw myself back onto the bed and look over at the bedside table where there was a framed photo of Corey and me together when he took me on a date to the fun fair last month. However when I roll back over I land on something hard, and when I reach under my body I pull out Corey's phone which he took everywhere with him.

Cursing I jump up off the bed and put on my shoes deciding to run after Corey. I ignore the lift and take two steps at a time knowing Corey didn't drive so would walk back to his apartment, so I should be able to catch up with him and give him the phone back.

The night air was cool and silent, I see Corey round the corner at the end of the street and give chase realising I needed to go to the gym more. Corey was walking fast like he knew he was being followed and wanted to lose me.

There was a bridge on the outskirts of town that had a history, and I was starting to lose my breath running after Corey who continued to ignore me. I watch in horror as 100 metres in front of me under a lone streetlight on the bridge Corey climbs up onto the ledge, and without acknowledging me jumps off into the darkness below.


I scream yet no one hears me. I rush to the spot he'd jumped but see nothing but dark water and sharp rocks which led to a small waterfall and then into a bigger body of water. Why did Corey jump? He wasn't suicidal, he was stressed but happy.

Pulling out my phone I dial 911, there could still be a small chance Corey could survive the fall but I couldn't get down to the water without any help. Tears spill down my cheeks as I tell the Police what I just witnessed. My Corey couldn't be dead.

The Devil In I (Corey Taylor) (Slipknot) (Vampire) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now