Chapter Nine

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"Hey Danny, what did you need to show me?"

Danny and I hug outside my apartment building, but when I ask the question I notice an instant shift in the hacker's mood.

"I was able to track it back to the source. Why would your neighbour want to bug your phone?"

I step back, I didn't have problems with any of my neighbours that I was aware of.

"Which number Danny?"


6A was Derek and Alex's apartment directly opposite mine. I knew there was something off about the brothers the day they rolled into town and nearly ran me down with their van.

"Do you have a female friend with blonde hair Fae?"

I nod, Danny was describing Ellie.

"That would be Ellie."

Danny shakes his head, "does she have a key to your apartment?"

"Yes, why? Danny you're starting to scare me."

Danny shuffles on the spot nervously before taking his laptop out of his bag and rests it on the bonnet of his truck.

"Your phone wasn't the only thing bugged Fae. Your whole apartment has been bugged with cameras, luckily with no sound but all linked to the same IP address in apartment 6A."

I was gobsmacked, my apartment couldn't possibly be bugged without me knowing. But where did Ellie fit into all of this? Danny had asked if she had a key to the apartment.

"Your friend let these men into your apartment to set up the cameras Fae."

Danny turns the laptop around and I'm looking into my apartment from different angles and locations. Luckily they'd kept the bathroom untouched, but my stomach dropped when I saw cameras in the bedroom which would have captured intimate moments between Corey and I as well as watching me get dressed.

The cameras switch to the lounge and the time stamp on the bottom told me they were installed three days after my near death experience. Ellie had let them into my apartment, I recognised Derek and Alex but the four other men were a mystery to me. Then one middle-aged man I'd seen lurking around the record store pops up in direct view of the camera. Were these people the hunters?

"I need to get something out of my apartment Danny. Thank you for all of this. Can you disable the cameras?"

He nods, "the second I shut them down they might come knocking Fae. I'll wait until you're inside your apartment then give me a thumbs up to one of the cameras and then I'll turn them all off."

"Then I want you to go, Danny, I don't want you hurt in the crossfire understood?"

He nods again and probably says something important but I'm already up the stairs and opening the front door to the building. If the hunters came knocking I would use the fire escape in my bedroom to get out. I needed that lock box and the gun Corey had bought me in case of an emergency like this where people were spying and trying to kill me.

I lock my apartment door behind me and rush into the bedroom. I take the lock box from under the loose floorboard and place it in my bag. I find one of the bedroom cameras attached to two photo frames on my dresser and give Danny thumbs up. The little red light stops flashing not giving me a lot of time.

Running into the kitchen I drop to my knees in front of the sink and rip open the cupboard where the gun was stashed behind some piping. I remember the lessons and load the gun, it felt heavy in my hands.

"Fae are you in?"

I jump as Ellie knocks on my door. How quickly had she gotten here? Or had she been watching the cameras in her boyfriend's apartment?

"Break the door down Alex, those things could be in there with her and we need to kill them."

What the fuck was Derek's problem? I needed to get out of here and fast. Not knowing when I'd be returning to the place I'd called home for the last five years.

"What about Fae she's still human?"

Ellie's concern about my life was touching but didn't sound genuine one bit. What had happened to one of my best friends? Hanging around with hunters had changed her for the worse.

"As far as you know Ellie that ring allows her to walk in sunlight. If killing her brings out the vampires I'll do whatever it takes."

I gulp, Derek was set to murder me in cold blood. Running back into the bedroom I grab my bag and unlock the window leading to the fire escape. In the bag the burner phone goes off, the unknown person was back.

Unknown: Get to the bridge and I'll reveal myself!

Fae: I need to go to the gym more!

Climbing onto the fire escape I glance back through the window only to lock eyes with Derek who smirks and raises a gun, but I'm quicker and shoot him first hitting him in the arm he was using to hold the gun. He swears and drops his gun giving me time to take three steps at a time.

Once one the street, I start running like a maniac because my life literally depended on it. The last time I ran towards the bridge I watched Corey jump off, now I was about to return to find out the identity of my unknown caller.

I hear shouting behind me, but I had a nice head start on the hunters. I didn't want to die today. If I'd known all this the night I met Corey in the club would it have changed things? He'd kept a pretty big secret from me, but I still get butterflies in my stomach just thinking about him. I wouldn't know what to think until we were reunited, well if we ever were at the rate of my running. I had no clue where he or the band ran off to.

The bridge comes into sight and my legs feel like giving in because I'd pushed myself too hard. The yelling behind me gets louder, either I was slowing down or they were speeding up. The gun shots start to ring out behind me, and bullets whizz past me giving me the extra motivation to push on and close the gap between me and the bridge.

Two figures stand on the bridge in front of me, and I squint my eyes as I come to a stop at the foot of the bridge shocked at who was standing before me. Like no time had passed, Sid and Chris stare at me. One of them was my unknown caller.

"FAE RUN!" Sid screams.

I go running towards them but a searing hot pain runs up my spine and the right side of my body. Staring down in horror I stare at multiple growing red patches on my shirt. I'd been shot. Gasping, I fall to my knees feeling the life slowly drain from me.


Fae falls to her knees as the red patches grow, the bastard hunters had shot her multiple times in the back. One looked like it had hit or just missed her spine. Chris and I needed to get her out of here and get her medical help.

"Make it rain hell on them, Chris."

Chris nods while I pick up Fae gently in my arms, Corey was going to kill me for staying in touch with her. But he might also kill me if she died in my arms before I got her back to the house. Using my fangs I slice open my wrist and bring it to her lips while she struggled to stay awake.

"Stay with me Fae. Drink my blood."

Behind me, Chris was conjuring a mini storm out of nowhere to block the hunters and keep them at bay. Only a few vampires possessed powers and Chris was one of them.

"We need to move Sid."

Not really knowing if Fae had taken any of my blood I start to run back the way Chris and I had come while he follows behind keeping the storm up and running. The band was going to have a field day when we got home.

The Devil In I (Corey Taylor) (Slipknot) (Vampire) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now