Chapter 16

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After doing my morning need in a very uncomfortable way, we walked and walked. It was really far but when we made it to a meadow that had really high grass, we stopped. I was never untied.

- We're almost there. -Bertholdt said then sat under a shade of a tree, that was next to a big bolder.- Let's rest untill the sun go's down a bit.

- Why did you two go and attack? -I asked confused now that I was seriously thinking of all of this on our way here.

- To take you. -Reiner said.

- Wasn't it to risky for you two? Beeing in enemy territory and all?

- Yes. But we did watch you guys for a long time. And we know the hours you work. It wasn't even a risk now that I think of it. -He answered and then sat on the shade of the tree next to Bertholdt.- Sit down. The sun is burning.

- I can't belive you guys did that. Why did you two let me go that time then? -I asked while sitting in front of them.

- You where really injured. In that state you wouldn't have resisted the trip. -Bertholdt answered.

- What? -I say feeling confused.

- Stop with the questions. -Bertholdt seemed to demand.- Rest up.

Both of them layed down on the grass right after they took off there bags. I followed, and layed down too, a bit far from them. My eyes started to close slowly, but something felt off right before I trailed to dream land.

I sat up and looked around. I saw nothing but tall grass, a bit of trees and a village that I could bearly see because of the distance.

- Don't move. -Reiner said in a deep and low voice.- If you do, you're dead.

- What do we do? -Bertholdt asked him.

- Walk. -Reiner said and took his bag, then took me by the arm.- I swear if you yell or scream, I'll kill Levi in front of your very eyes. -He said in my ear.

I knew it. I knew he would say something like that in some point. This manipulating bastard. I hate them both.

- Keep your eyes open. If you see them, don't approach. -I hear captains marvelous voice.- Don't make a fuss either fuckers. -And that bad mouth of his.

If I was correct, captain Levi stood at the other side of the boulder. He sounded so close, but far away at the same time. Reiner, Bertholdt and I instead headed to the back of the boulder, but Reiner noticed a scout heading our way so we turned back.

- Low. -Reiner moved his lips, saying with no voice what we should do, then pointed to the tall grass.

We walked slowly towards the grass, making sure we wouldn't step on no branch. Especially me, or else I would get killed or get captain killed. Why am I so afraid of Reiner? Oh, right... He's a titan.

We slowly moved thru the grass, heading further and further away from the group. My arms started to get scratched because of the tall grass and even my face got some, what started giving me an itchy feeling on my skin. And right after crossing the huge meadow, we where able to stand straight while we blocked ourselves with the beginning of a forest.

I instantly looked back and saw the group move the other way, feeling the urge to run and lose myself in the grass. Wait. I could easly lose myself in the grass. Reiner and Bertholdt where fixing themselves up, this was my chance. I ran and moved quick, pushing myself thru, but it didn't last long because Reiner took my legs and we fell down.

- Idiot. -He said then pulled me next to Bertholdt.- What where you thinking?

- What did it look like? - I say.

- We need to move. -Bertholdt said while Reiner and I had a glare battle.- C'mon.

He stopped the contest by taking my arm, making me walk in front of him once again. Reiner took the lead and we would fallow him in silence and after a few hours we reached the last wall, it was Maria. The blood bath that was once there just left a bad stench. Crows would eat from the bones and all I felt was disgust and sadness because of all of these soldiers.

- Let's hurry up. They must be near. -Bertholdt said.

We started to run and when we got close to the wall they looked for something in between some rocks and big peces of wood. When I saw what it was, I knew I once had it. My 3DMG was now used by Reiner. He took me over the wall, hearing nothing and seeing nothing from afar while he did so.

- It seams they're pretty stupid. -Reiner said while we ran over the wall.

I don't thinks so. I still feel that chill down my spine. It feels like someone where watching me for a while now, and I could only think it's captain or just my imagination.

- Save gas. We need to get closer to the beach. -Reiner told Bertholdt.

Beach? Is that a secret location? What other place could they be talking about, unless it's some place at the end of the wall I've never heard of. Maybe he ment peach, even thought it doesn't make sence.

- Hurry the pace! -Reiner yells at me because I had slowed down.

- We could get off here and run. We can't give them a fight right now, and they may have waisted a lot of gas by now too. -Bertholdt suggested while running in front of us.

- Let's go then. -Reiner said then he lowered me down with him.- Let's move.

- Stick to the wall. The small amount of trees could help. -Bertholdt said and we followed him.

It took us the whole rest of the day to get to our destination. Something I've never seen in my life. Water. But not a river, it was a thousand times bigger, or even more. I couldn't see the end to it.

- That's the ocean. -Reiner said when he saw my amazed face.- It's all salt water, so don't think on tasting it, you could get sick.

- Is there an end? -I couldn't help ask.

- There is, in some way if you can say. -He said and got me confused.- Theirs more land across it.

- More land?! -I yell amazed even more.

- You won't be crossing no lake. -That voice I love said.

- Thanks for showing up. -Reiner said and Bertholdt stood in front of us.- I gess here is where we part ways once and for all.

- You're right. -Captain said with a calm voice and a small smile on his face.

- Where's the rest? -Reiner then asked.

- Not sure. -Captain simply said.

Once he said that, Mikasa and Sasha appeared flying from the top of some tree's that where a bit close. Bertholdt made a quick move and covered Reiners back, clashing blades with the two girls.

Reiner then pushed me aside to the ground. My hands where tied up and I felt like a worm because I was unable to stand.

- That was so predictable. -Bertholdt said with a smile.- Give us all you got.

They were all fighting and I felt useless because of my tied hands. I got close to Reiner's bag and looked with blind eyes for a knif. Once I found it, I cut my arm a bit, but I kept trying untill I was free. I finally stood on my feat.

I took the knife and thought I could take there necks off with it, but once Reiner saw me, he rapidly moved while fighting with captain, taking captain down with one arm because of his incredible strength.

- What are you trying to do, baby doll? You know you're pretty useless. -He said and I knew what he tryed to do.- Trying to save your boyfriend.

The ground started to tremble. Something I thought I was feeling before, became more consistent.

Titans came full speed and I knew we where in truble. We where all in trouble. Eren then came out of the tree's and it was noticeble that he had the full titan army with him. I was amazed of how he ran with them.

We can win this.

Hey, sorry...

I didn't update in some time.
Hope you like the chapter.

Thanks for reading❤

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