Chapter 5

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That woman was already there when we got to the room. I was then placed down on a chair facing her from the other side of the table. Commander Erwin was at the end, looking at both of us.

- Lets begin. -Commander Erwin said.

And so he started with the woman that I know now is named Darla. He asked her about Kenny and if she knew what they were doing. She answered she didn't know them, that they were just asking for her husband and for some papers she doesn't know about. And thru her testimony she said that I told them about the plan.

After that he then asked me what happened the day I was captured. I answered the same thing I told captain Levi. He asked me about the scar I had on my face and I answerd exactly as how it happened.

- After that they found us. -I say at the very end and then I look at the woman.

- For what you said. You actually know Kenny.

- Yes. He killed my mother and sisters. -I tell him.

- Do you know why they were killed?

- No. -I simply answer.

- And your father? -He asked.

- He died when the titans came in thru wall Maria. He was in the millitary police.

- How did you survive?

- Eating scraps I could find with some other kids. -I answered.

- Why did you join the scouts?

- I didn't have no one inside the walls. -I answer when I look into his eyes.

- Now you do? -He asks.

- Yes. -I answered and I remember everyone, even if they may think of me as a traitor.

- Levi. -Commander calls for him and he comes out from the way back.- Do you think Kenny could have found out of the plan with his own knowledge?

- Yes. -He answers.

- Want to add something? -Commander asked him.

- Not really.

- Ok then. Men. Please take Darla to the military police. -Commander gives the order and I look at him with wide eyes.- You train your cadets well Levi.

Before he left he smiled at me and then one of his men took of my handcuffs. The woman started yelling at me and all I did was look at her.

- Do you know what you've done to my kids?! I need the money! -She yells and I start feeling bad it wasn't me.

- Shut up. You don't have any. -Some random guy says.

After that they let me go back home with the others. I was wondering if what that woman said was true. And I was thinking how the guys are going to treat me when I'd head back.

- Let's go brat. -Captain Levi says after he got on his horse.

They gave me back my horse and right after I get on him, I pat his back. I was happy to see him. And so we head towards the base. Our home.

- Captain. -I said with tears in my eyes.

- Don't cry. -He says with an irritated voice.

- You belived me the whole time right? -I ask him after I realized this.

- Yes. -He said while looking somewhere else.

- Thank you captain. -I say while looking at the grass.- I thought I was alone this whole time.

- It's alright.

- Thank you so much captain. -I say with a smile and a tear going down my cheek.

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