Chapter 14

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Days passed and I couldn't bring myself to go to his room. I took advantage of him beeing in bad state, so I stayed in my room for another two days.

After that I went back with the others. I started training and cleaning again. I really missed all of them and it even felt unreal.

- Captain! -I hear Sasha yell while I was heading to the stables.

- Good to see you sir. -Connie said and I looked at captains now unbandaged head.

He had a crowed around him, everyone so happy to see him well. I as well felt that, but since that day in his room, I feel unease. A smack on my back made me shiver and come to the present. Jean stood beside me and he seamed concerned.

- Aren't you ganna go hug him or something? -He asked and captain turned my way, and so we made eye contact after days of not seeing each other.

- Nope. -I say then turn and walk to the stables.

I almost ran to get there. I couldn't leave my nervousness aside. My heart felt like exploding and my mind was thinking of the way he looked at me. I instantly blushed and fell down on some hay next to a horse.

- Brat. -I hear his voice call.- I know you're in here, so come out.

I stood next to the horse and stayed still like a rock. I tryed and cover myself with some hay and while doing so I got some poop on my hand. I jumped from my hiding place and screamed while running to the well that was outside, a bit far from the stables.

- Ew, ew, ew, ew. Gross. -I say then take a bucket of water and clean my hand.- Gross, gross.

- Such an idiot. -I hear captain say behind me.

- Shut up. -I say and remember he is my superior.- Sorry captain.

- Are you still dirty? -He asked while I dried my hands on my pants.- I think you're not. -He says and gets close.

- Don't get near me. -I say and step back.

- Don't tell me what to do cadet. -He says and the back of my legs touch the wells wall.

- Please don't. -I say and sit on the edge.

- Get off. You can fall.

- I prefer the fall. -I say with nerves.

- Shitty brat. -He says and he moves forward what took me off gourd and made me move back, but thanks to his grip on my hand, I didn't fall.- You idiot. You want to get killed?!

- There's water at the bottom, you know? -I say and he pulls me back.

- Don't be stupid. Fucking dumb ass. -He says and doesn't let go of my hand.- I missed you.

- I missed you too. -I say and hug him while I was sitting on the edge.

- Get off that well. I feel smaller. -He said demanding and I did as he said while I tryed not to laugh.- If you dare laugh, I'll kill you.

- Sorry. -I say then lower my head while smiling.

- Now, tell me what's going on. -He said in a demanding voice, after that he leaned on the wells wall while crossing his arms.

- I can't say it. It feels embarrassing. -I say and cover my face with both hands.

- You felt it too? -He asked and I looked at him.- I know you're not ready for that. So just calm down.

- How am I sure we are talking about the same thing?

- Don't be dumb. You know what I'm talking about. -He says and he pushed himself to walk towards me.- Calm down and forget about it. The time will come in some other moment. -He ended saying then he started walking towards the entrance of the base.

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