Chapter eighteen: Life

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I now completely empathize with the women who go through major mood swings when they're pregnant. When you're stuck eating for two, feel like a bloated watermelon twenty-four seven, and hate it when you've got to depend on others to help you, you WILL turn into a carbon copy of a female Satan.

I thought this as I was trying to pull on a pair of leggings. I realized how much it fucking sucked to be pregnant because I was struggling to put on a pair of god damn leggings. Yeah, they're stretchy, but when your fucking stomach is in the way of you trying to bend down to put your feet through the damned holes, everything is just a shit show.

"I can't wait two and a half months for this baby. I will kill someone in that time frame." I stated nonchalantly as I walked downstairs, finally victorious in my attempt to get dressed. Michael walked over to me once I came down, picking me up bridal style and walking to the living room. He sat me down on his lap, rubbing my back comfortingly as I cuddled into his chest.

'You know you gotta take it easy. Doctor says that in our case, the baby could be born sooner than expected if you're under stress or physical exertion.' Michael scolded affectionately, causing me to roll my eyes playfully. "I know, I know. I'm trying to take it easy. You know I hate being a burden, though." I grumbled, crossing my arms over my chest as I laid my head on his shoulder.

'You're not a burden, you know that. In all honesty, it makes stuff even between you and I. You care a fucking human inside of you for nine months, and I get to help out. I wouldn't wanna be pushing that thing outta me.' Michael chuckled, making me laugh. "Fair deal." I finally replied, relaxing as I laid against him.


"No, I've told you for the third time, Karen, I cannot rearrange our entire schedule just because you decided last minute that you wanted to go out with friends to a cocktail party." I snapped over the phone, impatiently tapping my pen against the papers that lay in front of me. As the lady began arguing once again, I slammed the pen down and leaned back in my seat.

"Listen, lady. I've explained enough that I can't change six months of ahead scheduling just for you. I don't need the stress either. When you are almost seven months pregnant and have patience thin as a toothpick, then have someone as selfish and self-centered as yourself just gnawing away at it, I have the right to be snappy. Have a nice day." I snapped, finally hanging up the phone with a heavy sigh of exasperation. "I hate people. All of them."

Michael's soft sigh made me jump, turning towards the office door. "Oh. I didn't see you there." I spoke, taking a deep breath to calm myself down. He walked over silently, pulling me up and into his chest with a soft hug. 'I think you should take your maternity leave, now.' He murmured, making me scoff.

"I'm doing just fine working, thank you very much. What makes you think I need a break?" I asked sassily, only making Michael chuckle. 'You swore at least seven times in that conversation with that Karen lady. You're patience is used up. You need a break.' He replied, making me groan softly and rub my temples.

"That'll just fuck up scheduling-" 'No, I'm sure your colleagues can take up your position for a few months. They'll understand.' Michael had cut off my rant, placing a small kiss on my forehead and rubbing my back. I finally gave in, nodding as I leaned against him for support. "Fine. I guess you've got a point going there..."


Well, apparently the stress from all of the arranging for being off for a few months, plus fucking Karen being a hoebag as usual, I went into labor early. I had just finished tweaking all of the scheduling so everything would fit when I felt my water break.

"Fuuuuuuck, this hurts more than I thought it would--" I whined, cut off by a gasp as another contraction hit me. "Motherfucking-shitdick-sonofabitch-that hurttttttttt!" I yelped, currently on a hospital bed. A couple staff members were around me, Michael following beside me in complete worried silence for my wellbeing.

"Ma'am, I need to ask you to watch your language." A young nurse asked. She looked to be still in school, and was probably here to job shadow. She asked for it, though. "As soon as you push a damn baby out of a fucking nickel-sized hole between your legs, you can tell me to stop swearing." I snapped, though with the pain I was in and my voice quieting down so I wouldn't scream out in pain again, it came out much less threatening than I had first planned.

We soon got into a private room, and the doctors walked around busily to prepare for the baby. "Am... am I miscarrying? I have almost three more months to go!" I realized all at once, suddenly panicking at the thought of losing he baby I had already carried for so long. My panic was cut short as another wave of pain shook by body, forcing me to bite my lip to stifle the agonizing scream threatening to erupt from me.

Michael held my hand tightly as the contraction pain finally passed, letting me breathe once again. "You owe me big time once this baby is out." I mumbled, gasping as my moment of peace was cut short as another contraction hit. I gripped his hand tightly, my own knuckles turning white as I struggled to breathe correctly.


Hours passed. Contraction after contraction passed. It took almost three full days. I was just about to go in for a C-section when the baby finally decided not to be a little prick and to come on out. I wonder how I hadn't broken Michael's hand by this time, from how hard I had held it. He had stayed right beside me the entire time, wiping the sweat from my forehead, rubbing my back, trying to keep me as comfortable as possible.

"You get to be in charge when the baby wakes up in the middle of the night." I whispered tiredly to Michael, the birth completely exhausting me. The baby was currently being checked over and taken care of, since he was born severely premature.

'I'll do whatever the hell you want at this rate. The damn kid didn't wanna come out.' Michael chuckled softly, kissing my forehead affectionately as he sat on the overstuffed chair beside my bed. That's when the nurse came in, holding a small bundle of pink blankets.


I ain't no little bitch when it comes to sad or frustrating stuff, but I'm a cry like a damn baby at cute sappy stuff 😂. Hope y'all enjoyed this chapter!

??? Favorite movie ???

Maxx 🖤

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