Chapter thirteen: Disaster

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((WARNING; Won't start for a few paragraphs, but here is a heads up. If you are sensitive to death, depression characteristic, or anything related, please do not read the sensitive areas))

I didn't realize how much I missed Michael until he hugged me close, his face nuzzled against the crook of my neck, his free hand running slowly through my hair. My arms were tightly wrapped around his neck, my legs around his waist as my breathing hitched.

"I missed you... so much more than you could ever think." Michael murmured, and I smiled softly at his words. "I missed you too." I replied, finally stepping back down on to the ground.

"How long will you stay?" Michael asked curiously, and I frowned at the thought of leaving again. "I'm supposed to go back in two weeks..." I started, trailing off soon after I spoke. Michael gave a soft nod of understanding, stepping back hesitantly from me and towards the door. "Well, come on in. Let's make the most of our time together."


We had caught up most of that night. Talked, laughed, all of that kind of stuff. It was so weird, being back in this place. Been so long since I talked to him in a civil manner. Yeah, I'm probably the definition of Stockholm Syndrome, but what else is there to say? I loved him for so long before he ever did anything bad. I said I'd give him another chance, and I promised myself, this is the last chance I'm giving him.

'You alright?' Michael asked suddenly, making me shake out of my thoughts. We had been watching old movie reruns at the time, and i had drifted into my own little world. "Yeah... yeah, I'm good." I replied with a slight smile and nod, laying my head against his shoulder and sighing. "It just feels weird... being back after so long and everything seeming so normal."

Michael nodded silently in agreement, one of his arms wrapping over my shoulders and rubbing my side soothingly. "I don't blame you, honestly." He murmured, closing his eyes for a moment and laying his head back.


When I woke up next to Michael the next morning, something immediately felt wrong. I don't know what, though. I sat up silently, sitting there without a noise as I listened silently. 'You alright?' Michael mumbled sleepily, turning in bed to look up at me. "something feels... off." I replied quietly, swinging my legs out of bed and looking around.

Michael sat up once I had gotten up, following me downstairs with him. Something was very wrong. It had the Silent Hills feeling; it was dark grey and foggy out, yet there wasn't a single noise outside. Usually families were finishing up church by this time, front yards loud and happy as people tailgated for football games.

'The fuck is going on?' Michael breathed softly, and we were both obviously tense. I walked towards the old TV set, turning on the tv. Oregon In Rubble After Biggest Tornado In State History. My stomach immediately dropped as it showed the thousands of body bags lining the streets.


I immediately scrambled to my cell phone, desperately dialing Tawny's number... I started trembling when it finally stopped the ringing and went to voicemail. I dialed over and over again, until a voice finally answered. "I'm guessing this is Tawny Bawldamen's phone..." a voice answered. The background was full of soft hospital noises, soft sobbing in the background could be heard.

"Yes, oh my god, yes. Is she okay?! Is Jonathan okay?!" I panicked, the voice taking a slow, deep breath. "I'm sorry... I'm so, so sorry..." the deep voice murmured, sounding tired and upset.

"They didn't make it."


I didn't think my whole world could come crashing down so fast. The phone slipped from my hands, hitting the floor with a dull thud. "Oh my god..." I whispered softly, my head beginning to spin. I staggered sideways, everything turning dark now. I completely blacked out after Michael caught me before I hit the floor, his shout dulled and quieted in my ears as my eyes fluttered shut.

I finally came back into consciousness a while later, laying back in bed with Michael dabbing a cool cloth on my forehead in concern. Reality hit me once again, and I immediately began hyperventilating once again. I sat up slowly, my whole body shaking as I let out a strangled son, pulling my knees to my chest and resting my forehead against them.

Michael wrapped his arms around me and hugged me tight, rubbing my back slowly. Tears streamed down my face like rivers, and any breath I took came out as a struggled gasp. "Why?! Why'd they go?!" I screamed into his shoulder, and Michael simply shook his head in unknown.


The rest of the day was awful. I was so weak that I couldn't even get out of bed without mentally breaking down. Michael had gone back to being almost completely mute again, and I knew it was because he was also suffering from the loss. Yes, he didn't know Tawny well, but Jonathan was basically like the son he never had.

I barely left the house for weeks after the disaster. My Charlie was getting more worried everyday, mostly because I almost stopped eating all together. He had to start hiding any sharp things I could get my hands on because he thinks I'll do something that I'll regret.

The first few days after the incident, that 'something' sounded pretty damn good. I basically raised Jonathan, and Tawny stayed by me the whole time. Now they're just... gone. "I'm fine, honestly... I just need some time." I mumbled into my pillow, feeling when Michael sat down beside me.

I cursed silently under my breath as he pulled out the box cutting razor out from in my pillow case, setting it down on the nightstand. He sighed softly and pulled me into a tight hug. I hugged back, but the sharp, agonizingly empty feeling I felt numbed me to nothing.


Michael had basically started to do everything for me. From force feeding me to assisting me in showering, he stayed through it all. I felt pathetic, being so weak I couldn't do this shit. Yet, he never asked for a thank you. Never asked for anything in return.

"I'm sorry... I know you're hurting too... I shouldn't be this way." I mumbled softly, my head resting against his chest in the middle of the night. He refused to leave me out of his sight now, since he now caught me almost succeeding at my plans with his own knife.

He simply sighed and rubbed my back, holding me close and planting soft kisses all over my face. I smiled softly, leaning into the contact. It was at this time that I knew how willing Michael was to stick with me through it all. That was when I started figuring out that everything would be okay. Yeah, it probably won't be for a while, but it'll get better soon.


Oh my god. I'm so horrible at updating. Sorry guys 😓.  By the way; if any of y'all ever need to talk about anything, I'm here for you. Don't be afraid to talk things out with me. I'll be a listening ear for you.

??? Saddest/scariest moment of your life ???

Maxx 🖤

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