The Death

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Aunt's POV

I waited for Rebecca to enter into Lucie's body. I stood at the door of her room, waiting. She was drawing something when suddenly, she stood up. 

"Rebecca?" I said.

Lucie turned around. She was normal and looked scared.

"She'll kill all of us. She'll kill us."

"Rebecca, I need to talk to you."

The scar started appearing on her neck. Her eyes had turned pitch black again which kind of scared me because it was the first time I was seeing her like that. All the scars and bruises started appearing, all over her body. 

"Hahaha. I know that you've come to save her but it's already too late."

Caroline came inside the room and helped me tie her onto her bed. I started telling her about all the memorable memories, even though there weren't many of them. I talked about everything I knew and Lucie shouted screaming loudly. After some time, she stopped. The scars started disappearing. She looked at Caroline innocently and said: "It's hurting Caroline! Please untie me!" Before I could tell her not to do so, she ran towards her and untied her. I thought that Rebecca had gone. I don't know what happened, but Caroline ran outside the room.

Caroline's POV

'14th May 2017

All of them would fall into my trap. Even if I couldn't kill all of them, at least I killed one. I know that Caroline will be reading this but it will be too late to save her. She'll die and with her, I'll die too."

I didn't have time to read more of it. As I closed the diary, I heard a loud scream. The diary started vanishing, telling me that Rebecca had gone, forever. I ran back to the room and saw Lucie crying. Aunt Vera was lying there on the floor, motionless.


This was a short chapter. I hope you liked it :) This story is #29!! By the way, I have a bad and a good news. First, the bad news. The next chapter would most probably be the last chapter or there would be almost two more chapters after this one. And now the good one. I'm thinking of writing a sequel to this! Thanks for reading <3 

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