Strange day

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As soon as I reached school, my eyes searched for Mia everywhere. I found everyone, except for her. I went to the first floor hoping to see Justin and ask him why Mia didn't come to school. On my way, I saw Jason. He asked me what happened as he thought that I was in a hurry. I looked at him and stopped walking fast. "What's the matter?" he asked.

"Did you see Justin today?"

It was a disappointment knowing that even Justin didn't come to school. I was wondering how I would spend the rest of my day without my only friend, because it's hard to spend a day when your friend isn't with you. Just then, the bell rang and I hurried back to my class. It was such a relief knowing that my teacher hadn't come to the class yet. As usual, I kept looking out of the window with things going on in my mind. I had so many questions. I was completely lost in my own world when someone snapped fingers in front of me. No doubt, it was my teacher. 

"What are you looking for out of the window Caroline?"

"I'm just not feeling well today." I lied.

It was a pretty exhausting day so when I reached home, all I did was sleep. I woke up around six and realized that I had slept for three hours! Mom called me downstairs telling me that someone's on the call waiting for me. It was strange knowing that because no one usually calls me. I mean, my friends do, but they call me on my mobile. I ran downstairs and picked up the phone. "Hello?"

Someone said hello from the other side as well and I recognized the voice. It was Mia. My mind would've burst with all these questions! How did she get my number? Before I could ask, She told me that she needed me to come at her home as soon as possible. I told that I would be there in about twenty minutes. Then, I hung up the phone and went to wash my face. Obviously, I couldn't go to her house with my sleepy face. Soon, I reached her house. She welcomed me inside and quickly shut the door. I spoke. "Why didn't you come to school today?"

"There was some problem. By the way, i know that you wanted to ask me if I live in this house or not. And the answer is 'no'. We come here sometimes to celebrate Halloween or parties which have horror theme."

So you called me just to tell this?" I asked.

 "Well yeah. I actually won't be coming to school for some more days so I wanted to meet you. I'll meet you soon. Bye!"  I said bye to her and came back home. Just as I opened the door, mom asked me if something happened.

"Nothing mum" was all I said. . She looked a little worried and she just told me to stay away from Mia for sometime. There was absolutely no way I was going to do that. "Forget it mum" I said in my mind. She wouldn't even tell me anything about that house, so I decided to call Aunt Vera. That idea should've struck my mind a long time ago. But it was busy thinking about all the questions. But now that I finally knew what to do, I decided to call her. I went upstairs and went straight to my room, closing the door gently so that mom doesn't get an idea that I might be calling her to know more. My room was such a mess! But luckily, I found my mobile on the bed. I picked it up, and dialed her number. But she didn't pick it up. After about ten minutes, I gave up. Even her mobile gave up, It was switched off. I decided to call her the next day after I come back from school. I was cleaning my room when mom called me for dinner. I ran downstairs to see what was for dinner. She made burgers! And added to that, she even had a cheesecake for dessert! I love my mom. The dinner was delicious, as always. I felt pretty sleepy now, so I thought to sleep. But before, I tried to call aunt for one last time. But as earlier, she didn't pick the call up.

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