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It was a drawing showing me, Devan and Mia. Our exact positions, the clear sky, the moon, Lauren standing behind me. Everything. Lauren looked at me with her terrifying eyes and yelled, "Never touch someone else's stuff!" All I did was ignore her and checked the cover page of the diary. It had dust all over it and even the pages looked pretty old. On the diary was written "Destiny". She snatched the diary from me and said, "This diary belongs to Lauren! Don't you dare touch it!" Ugh! How could Lucie not understand that Lauren wasn't her good friend? Using the Ouija board again to find answers was a horrible idea so I decided to call aunt and ask if she knew anything related to what I wanted to know. And so, I headed back towards my room and grabbed my phone. She picked it up at the first try.

"Hello aunt! I wanted to know about something."

"Oh hello Caroline! What do you want to know dear?"

"I actually wanted to know when Lauren died."

"Well, I don't know if it's true or not but people say that she died about 65 years ago."

"Oh thank you for telling that!"

"Need more information on anything?"

"Not for now. Would surely ask if I do!"

And the call ended. That was self-explanatory. So the diary obviously belonged to Lauren when she was young. And the diary was about sixty-five years old! It was pretty late so I decided to sleep.

I saw the Rebecca again in my dream. I don't know why but I thought that it meant something. Maybe she wanted to talk to me or tell me something. Maybe she wanted to help me get rid of Lauren. Or maybe what I was thinking could be totally opposite. I went to Lucie to find the answer to my question.

"What are you here for?"

"Needed to ask something"

"What is it?"

"Do you know who Rebecca is?"

"Oh yes! I do."

"Who is she?"

"She's Lauren's sister. But Lauren hates her. Lauren is scared of her. I have seen Rebecca a few times and whenever she comes, Lauren hides in the attic and tells me to keep quite if she asks me where Lauren is hiding. I never told Rebecca that she hides in the attic because you know, That's where she hides!"

I smiled at Lucie because for the first time, she told me something which gave me the information that I needed. But she didn't smile. Instead, she pointed to something behind me and said, "That's Rebecca. She's behind you." I looked behind and the girl who came in my dream was standing there, asking Lucie where Lauren was. Lucie kept her mouth shut but I told her that she was in the attic because I hated Lauren. Rebecca ran towards the attic and Lucie did too. Her eyes were filled with tears and she said, "You'll realize your mistake later. And when you do, I hope it wouldn't be too late." I went towards the attic too and saw something really horrifying. Rebecca was beating Lauren with an axe. The axe was covered in blood as so was Lauren. Lauren's eyes looked too innocent. Too innocent for me to believe that she was a good spirit. Lucie came in front of Lauren and yelled, "Do not dare to touch my friend!" I really don't think that it was Lucie who scared Rebecca away. But Rebecca vanished. Lucie asked Lauren if she was alright. Lauren ignored her and came towards me. "Please try to notice what you aren't noticing. You'll get to know everything soon and would regret misunderstanding me." said she.

Did I really misunderstand Lauren? I just hoped that I would find out soon...

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