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Just like last time, we met outside my house, in the garden. But it was a cloudy night this time. The moon hid behind those clouds. Edward came after Mia with the Ouija board in one hand and the candles in the other. He walked towards us, with a bright smile on his face. We three sat forming a triangle, with the Ouija board in the middle. I lit the candles and put them around all the corners of the board. I hoped that we won't welcome any more troubles.

"Is anyone here?"

The planchette moved towards Yes.

"What's your name?"

It spelled R-E-B-E-C-C-A

"What are you here for?"

Mia noted it down and it said: "for fulfilling my mother's dream."

"Do you hate Lauren?"


"What does 'Destiny' contain?"

"Your past and future"

I was about to ask more questions when the planchette starting moving all over the board. And that made me know that it meant that Rebecca had the control of the board and we had to end the session. Mia was about to close the board when the planchette fell onto the ground. Just as that happened, Mia's hands started trembling and she closed her eyes, making us believe that she wasn't in her senses. She started writing something. After she finished, she fainted. Edward told that he'll take care of her and told me to read what she had written.

"13th May 2017

A lady, apparently Caroline's mom would get into trouble. She wouldn't die though. She would face some problem, right at night which would haunt her as nightmares for a long time. Just as they would be closing the session of talking to me, Lucie would come running and would tell that their mother is in trouble. They won't be able to close the Ouija board and I'll take it with me. She'll see her mom and would then try to help her."

Just as I finished reading, Lucie came running, shouting.

"Caroline!! Mom... Mom.. ."

She couldn't speak. She was breathing heavily. I ran inside to see what had happened to mom.

Edward put the planchette back on the board and it said: "Like I told."

Mom was locked in her room. She couldn't open it so couldn't we. I started calling out her name, hoping that she would respond. But she didn't. Just then, I heard a loud scream. The door suddenly opened but mom wasn't the one who opened it. The axe was lying on the floor. The same axe using which Rebecca beat Lauren. On her leg, there were several cuts and it was bleeding a lot. Dad wasn't in town so I ran upstairs to call aunt Vera. She came about ten minutes later and took mom and me to the hospital. The doctor said that the wounds weren't too deep and she was alright. I thanked aunt for helping us. On the way coming home, aunt stopped at the church to talk to Father. She told me and mom to stay inside the car and came back after some time and told about what Father had told her.

"Father said that exorcism isn't a good option. All we need to do is remind Lucie about all the good moments we've had together while Rebecca is in her body. He also said that I should be the one doing it. I don't really know why only I had to do it but it's okay. The only thing that worries me is that he said that it can cost me my life. I'm old and normally too, I'll die soon so I agreed to do it."

I looked at her, surprised. Mom thanked her because although she's adopted, Vera was willing to help her. Aunt gave me a huge smile and we went back home.

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