New comers

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I went to school, excited because I knew that Mia would come. As soon as I entered the class, I saw Mia sitting with some other people whom I never met before. There were four of them. Mia and three other people I didn't know. I went to them and said Hi to Mia. Mia looked at me and said hi to me as well. There was this guy with hazel eyes. He looked pretty cute, to be honest. He smiled brightly and said "Hi! I'm Devan. Nice to meet you." I smiled back and told that I'm Caroline. Then I saw a girl with long brunette hair. She looked pretty! She introduced herself. And guess what? Her name was Lauren too. I mean, how common could this name possibly be? I looked at her and smiled. Then this guy with spectacles, looking almost like a nerd said "Hi! I'm Edward!"  Mia then told me that these were new to our class. Personally, I hated being alone when I was new to this class. So to prevent the same from happening, I became their friend. 

During the Lunch break, I was alone with Lauren. Mia had gone with Edward and Devan to play soccer and I wasn't willing to play that time so I stayed with Lauren. I was talking to her about normal stuff when a guy came to me and said "Whom are you talking to? Air?" He giggled and went. When I looked back to where Lauren was sitting, But she wasn't there. I was completely freaked out. I ran to Mia and told her everything. Mia didn't seem surprised at all but Edward and Devan were. Edward asked "Who's Lauren? Only me and Devan were with you guys in the morning."

"That isn't true. Right Mia?" I asked Mia hoping that I wasn't the only one who saw Lauren. She pulled me away from Edward and Devan and said, "So now even you can see Lauren." I couldn't utter a single word for sometime. Was I seriously talking to a spirit? Mia continued to speak. "Lauren came to see you. She wants you to believe that she exists. But please try to keep Lucie away from her. It could cause problems." I looked at her, confused. I was about to ask her what she meant but she ran away, shouting "GOAL!!!" 

I spent rest of the day with my group, discussing about Devan's birthday. He likes things his own way so we decided not to surprise him with his birthday party. We had three days to prepare for his birthday party. The day at school got over soon. It's true that time seems to pass by faster when you're with your friends. On the way to home, While we were cycling, Justin looked at me and asked "So you're bringing your friend to our home?" I said "Haha good joke!" He looked at me, in a serious way. "I'm not joking. There's someone sitting behind you on your cycle." Now even Jason could see Lauren? I turned around but of course, no one was there. It's said to look at the front while cycling and because I wasn't, I fell down from my cycle. My hand was bleeding but It was okay. We reached home soon.

Mom rushed towards the door as soon as Jason yelled to tell her that my hand was bleeding. She had the first aid kit with her and put the bandage on my hand. When it was done, I went to Jason's room and asked him how the girl looked. He said that it was weird to see but she had scars all over her face and her dress was dirty with her hair messy. I suddenly remembered what Mia said, 'Her clothes were dirty and her hair was messy. She had scars and bruises all over her face and body.' So now even Jason could see Lauren! Great! Everything was so puzzled up and I couldn't understand what was happening and so I decided to call Aunt again.

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