Chapter 14

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Roses Pov

"Alright Rose I will be back soon. Cathy is out with Chris, Heidi is doing her play and will be going for drinks afterwards, and I'm off to begin a new production", Caitlin fills me in on as its 12 and everyone left around 9. She then shuts the door while I'm confined to my chair. I then slowly start to rise from chair like it had been years. Being heavily pregnant felt like you were and an old person with arthritis trying not to take that big of steps and movements. I then grab onto the bench and pull myself into it and start to do the dishes.

I then finished up and started to walk away when I felt a sudden pain and movement in my abdomen. It felt like I was being cut open from the inside out.
"OW OW OW OWWWWE", I howled in pain. I then took short breaths of relief. Then I felt something spill out of my vagina. My water broke.

I stared down in my disbelief. My blood was else where in my body, it took me a few seconds to realise what I had to do. I need to get into bed. Then another pain came in. And it was worse then the last one.

I then wrapped both hands around my belly and just tried to breathe. I leaned back on the bench trying to catch my breath. But they just kept on coming and coming.

*2 hours later*

I couldn't bare the pain no more. I sat on the kitchen floor leaning against the cupboards, trying to push past each contraction. I then finally heard the door knob turn with female voices. Caitlin, Heidi, and Cathleen just stood in horror. As I looked like a dead white slimy monster that just swallowed up a small child whole.

They dump everything and rush over and help me. Another pain came through.

"Rose how long have you been having contractions?"

I pushed through another contraction taking deep breaths in afterward, "ever since you left around lunch time", their eyes opened larger.

"Lun..lunch time? When I left?", I then felt a stronger contraction screaming out in pain, "alright we need to get her into bed NOW!", they then escorted me to the bedroom while Heidi quickly managed to change my sheets to my birthing ones. "Heidi go and fetch the doctor. Tell him that a women had been in labour for 2 hours with her first child. And her contractions are getting closer together", they then place me on the bed before I felt another , "don't worry Rose help is on it's way"

*2 hours later*

"Alright Miss Dawson you're almost there. It won't be long until you have to push"

"I can't..I can't", I struggled to breathe while bathing in my own sweat.

"Oh yes you can Rose. You made a promise to Jack and you're going to keep it", Caitlin persuaded me.

"Alright now the time to push. PUSH!!!", I then pushed all I had in me. But it was not enough.

"Come on Rose just one more just one more", Caitlin cheered on.

"I can't I can't", I panted.

"Yes you can. Come on Rose! Do this for Jack!", she then said the magic word that gave me all the energy I needed to get this child out of me .

"Pant. Pant Rose. Now one final push and your baby will be here", I nodded and gave it all I got. A wailing cry of a baby filled the room. I am overwhelmed with joy and happiness. I then start to black out. Then the darkness consumes me.

Cathleen's Pov

"Rose?", Caitlin looked at her, "RoSe!ROSE!", she started to scream in her face as she didn't respond or move.

"Here take the child and bathe her", the doctor quickly said as he handed me Roses crying baby. He then attended Rose as Caitlin's voice was getting more upset by the second. I then calmed the baby down and ran warm water, I then see Heidi bolt outside to fetch an ambulance. It's ok Cathleen. Rose is going to be fine. She has a completely healthy baby which you are about to bathe. You have nothing to worry about. Just focus on the newborn that you are about to wash.

*5 minuets later*

I wrapped the crying child in a fresh clean towel. I then heard the sound of sirens from the ambulance. They rang the bell as they then barged in through the front door and stormed into the bedroom. I then took the baby outside to get away from all the noise. Chris then appeared.

"Hey what's going?", he asked me, trying to calm down the newborn baby with tears streaming my face, not knowing what is going to happen to Rose. Then Rose appeared on a stretcher bleeding a bit. Everyone else then followed her out of the house.

"Is this her child?", an ambulance guy asked me.

"Yes", i answered back nodding, before I handed him Rose and Jacks child. Roses then was put in the ambulance.

"Don't worry she'll be fine. I'll be there with her", Caitlin reassured me as I am upset and in tears. She then hugged me and hopped in the back beside Rose holding her hand. God I hope she alright.

*up the top of the street*

Cals Pov

I walked along the street leading to Cathleen and Roses house. Ambulance sirens then rung the air like a hymn. Leaving something in your heart. I then look down from the top of the street to see them stop outside Rose and Cathleen's place. I then stop and stare to see what happens next, and to see who is hurt. It was Rose.

The wailing child was her own, calling out to her to wake up. Rose then appeared on a stretcher with heavy blood loss and was unconscious.

Many people gathered outside their place to see what was going on when the ambulance left, with Caitlin and Rose inside it. I continued to stare and watch. With Rose coming out laying on the stretcher with blood replaying in my head. As well as the scream from her child. Why does Rose deserve this? She is only 17! Oh but I know. A boy named Jack Dawson did this to her. And if he was here right now. He would get a harsh punishment. Not only for stealing Rose, and getting her knocked up and leaving her here. But her going through this right now. As much as he isn't here no more. It's his fault. It's his fault if something happens to her because of their childish actions. I feel terrible after what I just saw. I then turn around and walk back home. With the thought of Rose in the back of my mind hoping that she will be ok.

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