Chapter 10

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*the next evening*

Heidi's Pov

The next day we were all incredibly nervous about the endless possibilities about what could happen. Especially Cathy and Rose. Cathy going a date with him. And Rose standing up and talking to him. But don't worry if something happens to Rose, me and Caitlin will be right behind her in be house on stand by with our weapons of choice. As for Heidi she could only depend on herself. That's why we strapped a knife around her thigh. Just incase he would do something to her. We are all ready waiting for him.

Roses Pov

I sat leaning against the bricks on our street's corner. I placed one hand upon my bulging stomach. Trying to clear my thoughts and listening and feeling the child. I then looked into my pyjama pocket and pulled out a part of smokes. I then waited anxiously for him to arrive.

Cals Pov

I walked down the street that took me to an intersection where Cathleen's flat was on the corner. But it couldn't be could it? Rose.

All of my alarm bells were ringing. That whore, that slut who left me for him. Look at her now smoking on the corner on Cathleen's flat. Oh shit. She was Rose. The one who went to bathroom while picked up Cathleen. It all made sense. And she's. No she can't be. Pregnant?! Millions of thoughts kept honing springing in my head. What was she doing here? What does she want? Does she want me back? What did she and that gutter rat do?

The only way I could pick up Cathleen was confronting Rose. And I guess that's what she wanted. She wanted to talk.

Roses Pov

I then see a man wearing tux walking down the street. He then came into the light while crossing the road smoking a cigarette. It was Cal

I then fixed up my slump posture from leaning on the door frame. While he dropped his cigarette on the ground and squished it out with his foot. He then finally met my eyes for the first time in months.

"Cal", I politely said

"Rose", he replies back to me with both of his hands in his pockets. I give a little smile lightening the tension between us.

"So what have you been doing?" I start our conversation off.

"Well nothing much. Trying to run the business that's all. You know that sort of stuff", he smiled about. Boasting about his business and his pride and success of it all. "Well what about you ?... You've been up to a few things haven't you?", he then quickly looked me up and down, "with Jack", he added on. And their he was again. The guy I always knew and  hated, and almost forced to marry. I just looked in his eyes to see if there was anything there but their wasn't.

"I love Jack with all my heart", I replied back saying

"Then why isn't he here now then?", Cal threw back at me, "if he ever really did love you. You wouldn't be knocked up, alone, and pregnant with his child right  now would you?", he took a step closer and snarled.

"Well I love Jack. He saved me in many ways. Including from you",  I then paused, as Cal took at step back and his snarl turned into the face afterwards when I spat on him. "And you know what Cal?", I said taking a step forward to get right into his face, "that night when I almost fell overboard to see the propeller blades, and you accused Jack of raping me. I wasn't actually. I was going to commit sucide by jumping off the back of the ship. But Jack was there and persuaded me to come back over the rail. I was going to jump to get away from you. And you and I should be so lucky. Because if he didn't pull me back over I wouldn't be here. And that's not even the half of the stuff we went through!", my voice started to yell at him in his face. Some people on the streets started give us glares as I kept moving in closer of Cal sticking my pointer finger at him. Pointing out every single thing that he did wrong.

"Rose, Rose calm down"

"No! I will not calm down. Because I know what you want from Cathleen. And I don't won't her getting hurt like I did. Cause no women can go through what I went through and is going through right now.

"Well maybe Mrs Astor?..."

"No I don't want to hear it Cal. You have caused enough trauma and stress in my life. As I don't want to talk to you ever again! And if you dare hurt or touch Cathleen in any way. You will be sorry.", I then quickly turn around before he could grab me. I then get behind the door and just as he was about to walk in I slammed it in his ugly, sluty face. I then looked the door and walk into the bedroom.

"Cathy. Cals waiting for you outside", I walked in to see the girls doing final touches on her dress. I could tell she looked very very nervous and anxious going out. "Don't worry I just talked to him them. Everything will be fine I promise", I then hugged her. As Heidi unlocked the door and let him in our house. We then all walked into the kitchen where he was.

He looked like he was under a spell when she entered the room. I just leaned up against the cupboards sipping my cup of tea I made before me and Cals little chat. He then looked at me staring at him, and that broke his trance.

"We better be going then", he said giving Cathleen his arm to walk he out. They then shut the door and disappeared into the night. God I hope Cathleen is alright.

Making It Count (Titanic Rose fanfiction) part 1Where stories live. Discover now