Chapter 5

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Roses pov

After telling the girls that I was expecting, they took me out shopping. Every lunch break. Or day after the work. Or all day on weekends. It was what connects us as a group (and also pubs and bars).

I own everything to the girls, They have been supporting me 100% of the time, and they can't wait until the baby comes. If they are this much fun and caring, I can't imagine them around any baby or child.

But I can't think of any of that now. It's my first theatre performance. I can't let anything get in my way. Including the baby.

This is my chance. And I have to take it. And make it count.

*curtain draws open*
*music starts*

Oh god here we go


The crowd erupted with a gigantic applause. I have never been so proud or happy in my life. The nerves have all gone. I guess this is what it feels like to win and do something you love. And it was all because of Jack.

The curtains then closed. With all of us cast hugging each other and congratulating each other on our performances and the play success.

Urh! My muscles in my body are soooo tight and full of energy that I have to let out. I am sooooo happy and over the moon right now. This is what it feels like to be alive, happy and free! Meeting new people, exploring and finding new places. If I can do this everyday of my life, I know that I will be a happy women for all eternity.

"Haha there my little superstar right there", Mr Brighton yelled giving me a cuddle, "say how bout it Rose. You do another production with me?", he croaked yelling into my ears.

"I.. I can't!", I yelled back into his ears

"Well what do you mean you can't? Rose, your my superstar you can't possibly quit now. You.. You are about to become a great well known actress."

"I know", I yelled back at him, "I just need some time off!"

"You what?! You need time off from this!? Why Rose why? How could you take a break from all of this?", he said trying to persuade me

"Because I'm pregnant!"

"Your WHAT?!?!", he exclaimed with eyebrows and glasses raising

"I'm with child", I said clearing it up. He looked me up and down with his light blue shallow eyes.

"Well...", he said doing up his buttons, "who did it? Who's the father? that put one of the most likely to succeed beautiful, kind hearted women in this state!", he raised his voice getting louder and louder the more infuriating he got knowing that I couldn't work for him for a while. "Who did this to you Rose? I want you to give me his name and address so I can give him a piece of my mind and what he has done to all of us!", I just laughed. I have never met an old man that was so distort in my life and literally blowing up in my face.

" Hahahaha", I laughed at him

"What? Do you think this is funny? One of my favourite actress who could of made it big. Is now with child. From... some man that picked you up and corner you in a street",

"Well it was the best decision of my life actually. If it wasn't for him, I wouldn't be here right now following my dreams. But if he was... We would be married and raise our child together. Him being and artist and me being an actress or what ever I wanted to be", I then paused my short little story to see if Mr Arnold Brighton was still following along, " the point is", I said getting his attention, "that Jack is dead now. And this is the last piece I've got left of him. And I've got to give he or she all I have. And I promise that I'll come back to finish what I have started here. Cause I enjoyed every single day of if. It filled my massive hole missing in my life when I docked in New York. It fuels and powers me everyday to get up of bed. And now this baby will also.", I then lead out a big breath, "the point is, Arnold. I'll come back. I'll come back with baby a year or two old and we'll start where we left off. Cause I have all the time to spend in the world. And I would love to spend that time with you", I then saw a smile come across his face with tears flowing his eyes. He just gave me dozens of nods trying to hold back his tears. But he couldn't. He then lifted his glasses and wiped away his years underneath his eyes. "Will you wait for me?", I added on, with him grabbing a hank chief out of his pocket in his tux and blowing his nose with it.

"Of course my dear", he replied finishing up, "because you are worth waiting for", he said calmly. I then leaned in and gave him a tight squeeze hug. We then broke apart. He then gave me a nod for good luck as he walked away and disappeared into the crowd that worked for him.

The night was filled with many celebrations and drinks. Lots of smiles and laughter. It was night and celebration and one to never forget.

"I would like to say a few words if I may", Mr Brighton stood up at the table getting everyone's attention. "I have had the most incredible time working with you all. And you all have so much potential and more to give to the arts. And I look forward to your work in the future"

"To the future", someone said aloud at the table

"To the future", we all said in agreement drinking our drinks.

The rest of the night was just 'chit chat chit chat' with people speaking some utter garbage coming out of their mouths. I can't stand it no more.

"Caitlin?" I asked politely, "can we go home now?", I asked her

"Why? What's wrong?", I know if I tell her the truth I would have to stay longer. She was enjoying a pleasant conversation. And she doesn't see what I see.

"I'm not to well", I made up. Clutching my stomach. She just nodded and acted on immediately

"Go outside, get some fresh air while I round up the girls ok?", she then gave me a nudge back to the direction of where we sat and where my bags were. I then walked over the table picked up my bag and walked out of the venue as quickly as possible. I then lent on a wall for a few minutes to wait for the girls to come out.

I then heard Cathleen's beautiful laughter fill the air. As she walked out with Heidi and Caitlin.

"You alright Rose?", Heidi asked me as I slowly leaned off the wall

"I just feel a bit sick and tired that's all", I responded. We then left.

*at home*

My body felt like dropping to the ground dead. I was super tired after my big day and first ever show. My stomach kept tossing turning from all the different smells and environment of the city.

I quickly got changed and hopped into bed as fast as I could. As I laid there I could hear the other girls in the other room talking. But I couldn't care less. My brain couldn't focus on that. It needs much deserved rest.

Authors note:

Fun fact

Chapter 4 was 4524 words long

Making It Count (Titanic Rose fanfiction) part 1Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon