Chapter 20

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Roses pov

*the next morning*

"This afternoon Mrs Jasmine and her daughter Miriam are coming round for high tea", my mother just informed me about as I cradled Josephine in my arms. She then looked down at her and tucked her in a bit more. "And do us all a favour. Don't bring her and don't talk about her. I wouldn't mention anything about Titanic in general. Otherwise that topic arises", she said sharply trying not to mention Jack or Joe by name. She then walked away.

"Don't worry we are going to be just fine", I reassured her giving her a little kiss. A few hours later the dirt driveway crackled like the sound of bones breaking. I then put Josephine down in her crib for her two hour nap. "Sweet dreams my angel. Mommy is going to be ok", I stroked her forehead before kissing it. Then the car doors slammed. I then gradually made my way down the stairs to meet them.

"Rose this is Mrs Jasmine and her daughter Miriam. She is also 17 and engaged so you girls will get along just perfectly", my mother introduced me. Yeah well she isn't a mother is she mother? "Shall we sit", my mother then directed all of us to the table and we then all sat down poshly together. I want to be at bar. "What did you say Rose?"

"Drinks. Does anyone want drinks?", I then got up and bent over and poured glasses of water. My mother just glared like I was doing something wrong. When I sat down everyone still stared at me. Then I realised what I had done, "I'm sorry. This is my first high tea in mouths. I had pneumonia. I was in bed for mouths in end not being able move", I thought of quickly. I then looked at my mother who approved of the lie.

"Oh my poor dear. Are you alright now?", Mrs Jasmine said concerned.

"Rose has made a full recovery thankfully. But her being in bed was dreadful for months. It was terrible for all of us. Including Rose. I can't imagine what it would be like", my mother added on to the lie I made.

"So Miriam who is your fiancé?", I asked her. She is so quiet.

"Peter Jones", great another dickhead/asshole fiancé. Welcome to the club! Now try and find a man like Jack. Then have a baby with him and run away and live your life!

"Oh. You must be very happy", I put on my acting skills and put on a big fake smile. I then looked at my watch 3pm. Come on Josie come on. 3:01pm. She cried. Immediately stood up, "pardon me I need to be excused", I then ran up the stairs to my daughter. Her face was red with rivers of tears pouring from her blue eyes. "Shhhhhhh it's ok. Mummy here's now. You know you saved me down there?", I started to talk to her, "you went a minute over your normal time", I tried t part her on her back. I then checked me watch. 3:05. "Come on Josie", I then tried to get a breast for her, "come on Josie take it", I tried to make her latch on to my nipple. But she kept refusing. I then slowly pushed her head in more an them she latched on and calmed down. She then continued to cry. 3:09. "Alright that's it. You're coming with me down stairs. I don't care what they think of you and me. I honestly don't give a fuck as long as I am true to myself. And I don't have to lie. Cause you know what Josie? Lying is a bad habit that gets you into trouble. And mommy made a lie about you ignoring your existence. But mommy is going to make a right to that and tell the truth. So can you please quiet down a bit so I can do all the talking and introducing you to them? Cause that will be great!", I then tried to hush her down again. I then made my way down stairs with all eyes on me and Josephine. Josephine continued to quietly wail and wave her arms about. Everyone just looked and analysed her closely. My mother just gave me the look like 'what the fuck have you just done?!' But I ignored her and looked at my beautiful daughter that Jack blessed me with.

"Awwwww. She's very pretty", Miriam commented on stroking her face, "what's her name?",

"Josephine. Josephine Jacklyn Dawson", I said with no hesitation. I then kissed her head, "she's my little girl. And I'm your mummy. Yes I am. Yes i am", I played around with her. She then started to crack smile. I then started to tickle her. Her smile then grew as well as her baby sounds.

"For.. Forgive me to ask. But she doesn't have you or your fiancé last name. Yours is DeWitt-Bunkater and your fiancé is Hockley", oh I love this girl.

"Yes that's right. But after the Titanic sank I changed my last name to Dawson like her fathers. See?", i tried to show her up to them, "she looks nothing like Cal. She has her fathers blue eyes and blonde hair. I think she also has his smile/smirk. But she has my pale porcelain skin. I guess she missed out on the golden tanned skin. But she can't have all of him can she? She has to have some parts of me too. But we can make it work. Just no sun tanning for us two", I kissed her again while everyone just laughed. Even my mother to played along.

"Can I hold her?", Miriam asked.

"Certainly", I then handed her over as she cradled her in her arms. I then took a sip of water.

"Oh there there little one", she made her baby noises like she was trying to speak. Miriam's mother then leaned over to look at her. She then slowly slipped Josie out of Miriam's arms.

"Oh Rose she is absolutely stunning! She is going to be a beautiful girl one day. Make a man very happy. Then she can have all he jewels and diamonds in the world. That's all a girl in this world would hope for. She's going to be 'a beautiful little fool'. That's all she needs to be in this life to make it", well I say not while I'm here. bitch.

"I want her back", I got out of my seat and demanded her. Mrs Jasmine then placed her in my arms. She is tense and quiet and now isn't playing with me anymore. I then look at my watch. 3:45. "Well I think it's time for you to head off to bed again to sleep until dinner time missy moo", I talked to her again. I then went upstairs to my room. I then shut the door behind me and lent on it.

"Don't you listen to them Josie don't", I basically quoted her father, "they're the fools who believe that's what life is all about. They're assholes and gold diggers Josephine. Stay away from people like that", I then sat on the floor with her resting in my lap, "I guess we both got delivered to the wrong address huh?", I joked with her, "we don't belong here Josephine. Mommy never did. And you won't either. Mommy almost killed herself because of them and their shit. She almost jumped overboard on the biggest ship in the world. But mommy only had to wait a few more days for that. But I can't imagine what you would do. And I don't want too either. You've got a double shot of strongness in you Josie. Me and your daddy's. We just have to get out of here and make it count. And that's what we're going to do."


"Goodbye Miriam", I gave her a hug, "be safe. Goodbye", I waved her car off. Mother had already entered inside. The maids were already packing up the tea set from the clinking of the china. Where could she be? I then go upstairs and into me room. There I find her over looking Josephine.

"I didn't like what you did today Rose", she spoke up, "you basically ruined our family name. Hopefully they don't go and gossip about they've seen and heard today. Especially you blabbing on about Jack", she spat, "but never the less. We all had a good time. And the child came in handy. She was great entertainment for us all", she then took one last look at me and Joe and walked out the door. Well that wasn't so bad. I survived. I made it through. Now what's next? Hmmmmmmm...

Making It Count (Titanic Rose fanfiction) part 1Where stories live. Discover now