Chapter 16 / Sequel News

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Sethos watched from a cautious distance as Kamaria continued her experiment.

At first he thought it nothing more than idle hands trying to keep bust, but soon the thought turned bitter. She was creating life. Not just any life at that, but a strong, supernatural life.

It made him beyond happy when she was failing, but now that her creation was a success and her children running around on the mortal world, he knew he was in trouble.

Why else would she create such beings? She was planning to take him down and free her and that thief from their prisons.

His body felt like fire as the anger coursed through him. What is so great about Him that she still loves him after all this time? Truthfully, he had acted a little rash when he imprisoned them to the sky, but he only felt guilt about Kamaria.

But now the game has changed. Now Kamaria has an army at her disposal.

So he will need an army too.

Immediately, Sethos went into hiding, away from the eyes of the sky. Creating his army wasn't as easy as he thought it would be. How had Kamaria managed this from her prison?

He worked tirelessly to create a being that could destroy the Wolf-men. He pulled at all the chaos and destruction that he could and finally laid eyes upon his ultimate solder.

Their skin was pale from the lack of light. So much so that the first to notice these new creatures was Ki. Immediately, they were seen with Sethos and Ki knew that whatever it was, wasn't good. Using the strength he could muster, Ki destroyed the first solider.

Ki would continue this for every one that he saw, so Sethos adjusted. His army wasn't allowed out during the sun hours. Had Kamaria the strength, she would have done the same for night, but her strength went to her children, her wolves.

So, Sethos allowed his army to walk the night, feeding their appetite for destruction by drinking the very life from Mortals.

The armies were set, pawns in their place. Vampire versus Wolf.

Let the war begin.

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Hello my lovely readers :-)

What do you think of this little snippet?!

It is setting up the sequel. Sort of haha. The first chapter wont be uploaded until a later date, but I wanted to see about getting some feedback or title ideas (as I have none so far).

Thanks for reading!!!

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